Nearly 22 years ago, Netscape went public and was a strong influence in setting off the first dot com bubble. It completely revolutionized the conception of the internet. Before, only military and academia actually used the internet but to the mainstream public, it had no affect on their daily lives. However, it ended up unlocking the entirely mysterious world of the internet and the world has never been the same since.
What Netscape was to the internet, is what some say Tezos could be to cryptocurrency.

According to their site, Tezos is a new decentralized blockchain that governs itself by establishing a true digital commonwealth. The main problem that they are trying to overcome is what we see in bitcoin where politically charged debates rage on and rifts can go on for a long time. To Tezos, these challenges occur because they believe there is too much power given to a core development team or groups of miners.
OK, so what does Tezos do about it? They like to call it self-governance:
"...first generation blockchains tend to empower, de facto, centralized core development teams or miners to formulate design choices. Tezos takes a fundamentally different approach by creating governance rules for stakeholders to approve of protocol upgrades that are then automatically deployed on the network."

So it seems that Tezos has a solid foundation in place in which they are trying to better the crypto world by establishing what they like to say is a true digital commonwealth. Self-governance enables this platform to always be in motion where nothing is set in stone. In theory, this would eliminate many of the roadblocks faced by bitcoin, ethereum, and others.
Personally, it seems like an interesting project that may warrant a small investment.
Tezos ICO begins at 1AM CT on Saturday, July 1st.
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It will be interesting to see which blockchains the world will adopt. The game has just started. The most interesting time is right ahead of us.
Indeed it will be! Tim Draper (billionaire investor) is backing this project as well, believing that it could be one of those blockchains that positively influence the world long-term. We'll see what happens with it!
interesting project
Agreed! Thanks for reading.