Chinese students: do not fear the foreign opponent is too strong, afraid of the chinese teacher's knife

in #text7 years ago

226C8F79-18D8-4AA9-B032-EB05C0B5EC14.jpegAt the end of last year, a high school doctor in xi'an committed suicide, and his girlfriend said that his boyfriend's long-term criticism by his doctoral adviser, zhou mou, had been so traumatic that the tragedy had occurred. This is not a case. let's take a look at the problems faced by foreign students in america when they face their mentors. The founder of the "light workplace" concept recently posted a blog post on the school's professor, chen xiaowu, on weibo, the founder of the "light workplace" concept, who has been harassing female students. As soon as the news came out, it caused a lot of buzz on the internet. At present, chen xiaowu has been suspended from the investigation.E05622D6-3164-4510-B1D8-EFC1C09CFE45.jpegIn recent years, scandals have erupted among chinese high school teachers, and sexual harassment is just one of them. Nearly 68.7 percent of respondents to the sexual harassment survey of college students and graduates in china said they had experienced different forms of sexual harassment. In addition, the news of academic fraud and misuse of scientific research funds is also heard. Today, however, the article does not want to bombard the country's high school teachers, but to shift the position and aim at chinese university teachers abroad. As a chinese teacher working abroad, working abroad, doing scientific research and teaching, in the eyes of many, they have a good education background, world-famous school work experience, pure working environment, high income, living in a big villa, holiday to the seaside holiday, can be called life winners. And there are some chinese professors and glossy titles, such as the XX honorary professor, chairman XX, is indeed unlimited.F35603FD-5067-476E-AD34-3D810EC28604.jpegIronically, there is a saying among chinese students, especially phd students, that three mentors can not be associated with chinese men (especially those from mainland china) , AP (the equivalent of an Associate Professor in china) and a female mentor (a female mentor) . Of course, not all chinese professors are good, and certainly there are those who are loved by their students, but the chinese teachers who are, by definition, poor, are a bit older. Chinese students who go abroad to read a blog will try to avoid the chinese teachers, they are black hole, giant pit, is a thief ship. Chinese professor black-hearted businessman my first year in the united states was a girl, named xian. She studied biology at peking university. after graduation, she applied to the current university to read a doctorate, the tutor is the chinese male professor t. After the eighth year, the teacher finally allowed her to graduate. on graduation night, we ate dinner to celebrate, and the wise man burst into tears and said that he had finally been released from prison. For eight years, she had gone from menstruating to severe hair loss, and she ended up with hyperthyroidism, all of which were due to her mentor, t. Because we're roommates, i've heard a lot about t's weird behavior. T is not so much a professor, a mentor, a scientist, a businessman, or the kind of businessman who crushes the hardest. A lot of chinese professors work in high schools while running companies, and t is no exception. You can use your own lab to do research and development, and then sell products with your company, and you can also apply to the government to subsidize your wallet in the name of a start up or a technology company. The CEO of the company is his wife, and the company's CTO is, of course, t himself. The staff, the students with their own free labor. People take a salary, but have to take orders from the t, but also to serve the company's CEO wife, otherwise the pillow wind, the day is not a good day is still their own T is well known for his reputation as the only professor in the entire college to ask his students to punch a card every day, but only for chinese students in the group, and foreign students in the group can not comply with this rule. Xian said that there were chinese students in the group who questioned the reasonability of the teacher's actions. After all, everyone is a student, not an employee, and every chinese student in the group works very hard, eight to ten is a common thing, really do not need to punch card. "don't think of yourself as a student. don't think of me as a mentor. i'm your boss. just follow my orders. Do you have to question your boss's decision when you're working And i'm not doing it for your own good, training you early on in the workplace,"even though the students are already in the lab eight to ten, t thought it wasn't enough, and encouraged everyone to come on saturday and sunday, so he would be happier. One of the classic events is that christmas is the biggest holiday in the united states, a holiday in the united states, and almost two weeks'vacation at the university, every year we say, "we're chinese, let's not go to american holidays, let's go to the lab, " and then come to the spring festival, t said, "it's not the spring festival in the united states, let's not overdo it, let's go to the lab, " said hsien. "that's enough for everyone. after all, it's good to be prepared to work hard and get out of school early. But graduation requires the cooperation of two teachers and students, the students play hard, the instructor never instructs, all day long the office can not see people, how can the students reach the requirement of graduation T only shows up at the office on time every week during group meetings, listening to everyone's progress for a week, and if it doesn't go well or if it doesn't go well, "Shame on you! " say it. when can you get the data " he's like, "tell me, when are you gonna get your wife pregnant " , there were a lot of variables and accidents, and t had asked hyun, who was embarrassed to die on the stage. For the first two or three years, the doctor is going to take a professional class, and t openly tells his students, you pick the easiest one you can, and don't go if you can't. make time for experimentation. Hsien says the chinese students in the group are very weak in their professional base, without the guidance of teachers, the lessons are not allowed to do well, the research is not done at all. T has a teaching mission of his own, and he takes classes in the form of students, and then people talk about giving advice, end of discussion. He doesn't teach, doesn't teach, and he gives a to everyone in the back. One of the master's students i knew had taken t's class and dropped it after listening to a bit of water, and he said i didn't want to waste my tuition on a teacher like that. In fact, like most ph. d.s, she graduated in the fifth year, and she met the requirement of graduating after five papers, as t said. But in the fifth year, t turned around and asked hyun to send two more papers and bring out someone new to take her place to graduate. Hyun and the domestic boyfriend for five years, the final boyfriend could not wait, at the urging of the family and other girls married. For many chinese students who study abroad, graduation depends entirely on the qualities of their mentors, who wield the power to kill and kill, so even when faced with a mentor like t, who has no academic guidance, is purely businesslike, and only squeezes the student's mentor, many people just have to endure it. Some chinese professors like to create the illusion ironically that many chinese students are genuinely disgusted with their chinese mentors from the inside out, and the mentors know it, but they prefer to create an atmosphere of harmony. That's what happened to chen, a math doctor. Chen says that when his boss doesn't want to come to work, he calls his students (not many, two or three, at home) to work at home for fear that the students wouldn't do their jobs while they were away, it's a good place to watch. Work till lunch, the teacher said, let's have some dumplings. The dumplings were made by their tutors when they were summoned to a party a few months ago, one at a time, one at a time, and a pile of dumplings for half a year. "it's like digging a hole for yourself, " said chen. "every time i was called to a party at home, everyone was in a car accident on the way to the grave. For a few hours with someone he hates, to make dumplings, to cook for him, and to leave a happy smile on the lab's web site as bait, let the students who have not yet taken the bait see how much they love each other and are happy, and you can all get on my boat.BA596231-F6E9-4A9E-B9DB-CC848782F4E5.jpegHow did the chinese professor of weird flower form In fact, the extremely rare chinese professor is not born this way, many reasons cause them to become the present appearance. Well, first of all, it's personal experience. Chinese teachers who can study abroad for doctoral studies and remain in american colleges and universities say they are the best of the bunch, and they must have been superduper in their school years, or they wouldn't have made it this far. They all want to be good, they are good, they are 100, they want everyone to reach 100 points. And now the chinese teachers who are now the backbone of the united states are far less comfortable than they were when they left the country a dozen or twenty years ago. Fewer chinese, more discrimination, and less research resources require a great deal of effort to get where they are today. It's hard not to think about how much of their own suffering will be projected on their students. Second, the world of research is grim. College jobs are already in short supply, and it takes hundreds of resumes to get four or five interviews, and the interview process is very tiring. On-site interviews are arranged after the video interview, and some good college on-site will be scheduled for two full days, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Finally, you have to wait for the interview committee to make an evaluation, recommend, vote, and finally decide whether or not to accept you. When hired, he usually starts with Assistant Professor, who usually has four or five faculty members to compete for an associate Professor (AP) , which usually takes two to seven years to get from lecturer to associate Professor. In most schools, when you become an adjunct professor, tenure (tenure) , you can be sure to retire if you don't make a big mistake like academic fraud or criminal cases. If you don't get promoted to associate professor, it's going to be brutal, and you're gonna get fired from college. It's hard to apply for jobs at other colleges and universities, and you're losing your edge in the industrial age. Chinese teachers are even worse, getting a green card during work is a good thing, even if you are allowed to get a job if you are dismissed at least, and if you don't get a green card and you lose your job, you'll have to leave immediately. From this point of view, the local white and black people have an advantage over the chinese professors. My husband's high school classmate got a job at a top 100 college in the u.s. three years ago. he worked 80 hours a week for three years, didn't have time to socialize, or talk about girlfriends, and had to wait at least two or three more years, and it doesn't have to end well for you. Given such competition and pressure, chinese outsiders have to work harder than their own countrymen to achieve the same feat, so it makes sense for some chinese professors to be so weird. In the end, the disadvantages of the chinese themselves. As a professor, a big part of the job is to pull projects and finance, which can not be separated from cooperation, contacts and culture. Although chinese are very smart, we were raised to be competitive, so we were weak in terms of cooperation and emotional intelligence. And if you weren't born and raised in the united states, no matter how long you've been in the united states, it's hard to fully integrate and understand people and culture, which makes it difficult for chinese professors to pull programs and finance. They will turn the pressure on the student involuntarily. But for whatever reason, it should not be an excuse for chinese professors to squeeze students. Chinese, both working abroad, even if they do not want to help or at least do not want the foot of the trip to make the trip. After all, it is the same root, the phase frying is too urgent!