
I can

How works copyright here? Can I copy an hole article and past with my translate to english? Or copy parts of the article? Or just read the article and write with my own words?(what would be hard to be, english it's not my native language)

you should be original here! just copy pasting is not received well here...

see @steemcleaners... they have good guidelines written up here.

while it's ok to share links to news articles in the #newslink category, you sould still always consider adding your own 2 cents to it.

Thanks, how do i get reputation? Just posting? And about the upvotes, can I up my own post normally?

yeah, you con upvote your own posts right ahead!

reputation is earned by upvotes on posts and comments I think

Hm, okay. Reveal my real identify, you can would know the positive and negative point about it? On the one hand I think it is good to identify myself because I will have my friends around giving upvote, on the other, anyone who searches my official nickname, would find everything I write here. And intending to write a lot that could be classified as taboo.

i think having an alias is totally fine... just don't be a copycat ;)