The JSON metadata of the parent post was:
"tags": ["steemit", "potential", "steemitwebsite"],
"links": [""]
That isn't good. The tag for "#potential-bugs" was not treated properly.
Also I want a way to escape a tag other than putting quotes around it or putting it code like so: #steemitwebsite
I noticed the "links" field in a previous post as well. But I have also seen others who have posted recently and included links directly and they didn't get a "links" field. So let me try including the link directly:
I also want to see if I can get the "image" tag to show up:
Finally, I want to see if it adds the tag for #test even though it is already in the test category.
The JSON metadata of the parent post was:
{ "tags": ["test"], "image": ["/assets/0ee064e31a180b13aca01418634567a1.png"] }
Notice that the raw link didn't show up.