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RE: In Defense of Elon Musk's Subsidies

in #tesla8 years ago

With the rise of Tesla Motors we are now seeing a massive turn away from fossil fueled cars from all manufacturers because it's now plain to see electric cars will be the future simply because they are better in pretty much every way.
And with the rise of SpaceX we are seeing a new interest in space that had sadly died of when NASA being funded by the government didn't get the investment they needed to push space travel forward.

People like Elon Musk should be given as much funding as they need to change the world for the better because let's face it the Government's of the world are simply incapable of changing it in the ways that are needed.


I agree. I believe that in a world where we all had control over where our taxpayer dollars went, Musk would get more money, not less! He has single handedly played a huge role in reigniting countless imaginations as well as hope for a better future which we can make.

IMO, world you described above cannot exist in today's democracy 1 man - 1 voice . Musk is not about money, he follows his dreams. To achieve his goals he uses what he can. But many (including me) are agreed with his goals.