Is grenade a bomb?

in #terrorist7 years ago

Few days ago the media in Ghana was lambasted for reporting on an incident where three Ghanaians were arrested in possession of a grenade, and ofcourse one of the arrested happened to affiliated the terrorist group ISIS.
Most headlines captured the incidence as "Three Ghanaians arrested with bomb".
Most Ghanaians felt the media was exaggerating after the details of the arrested stated that these citizens were in possession of a grenade.
So the question is, Is a grenade a bomb?
According to Wikipedia, a grenade is a small bomb typically thrown by hand. Generally, a grenade consists of an explosive charge, a detonating mechanism, and firing pin to trigger the detonating mechanism. ... There are several types of grenades such as fragmentation grenades and stick grenades.
So did the media err in classifying a grenade as a bomb?


OMG! This is SUCH an AMAZING post! Thank you for sharing! I gave you a vote!!

Thank you @rewardpoolrape. I appreciate it.

Who cares how the media has classified it? It is a weapon of mass destruction and it can cause people a lot of grief.

I agree with you @grisotti , they live in a fantasy world where they assume the grenade is a small device and will cause less destruction forgetting that although the killing radius is 5 meters and the casualty producing radius of this grenade is 15 meters, the fragments can disperse as far 230 meters according to

but either way they dangerous

Very dangerous @adongo