terrorists, terrorists... everywhere terrorists...

in #terrorism7 years ago

terrorists, terrorists... everywhere terrorists...
but who is the real terrorist?!

it is so simple: we the freedomloving west, are fighting for peace, aagainst barbarian fundamentalists...
he wait a minute, this sound so familiar to me.
isnt it a little strange, that there are no different view on this topic, but only one... ours?!
where come all these terrorists from?!
well, its even more simple to state that, islam itself is fundamental.
i am not an advocate for islam, all religions should be baned, but this is not true.
not islam or those countries are fundamentalists, fundamentalists are fundamentalists.
but where do they come from, how have they reached power???

lets have a short look into the past:

the cia makes a coup detat against the deomcratically elected iranian president mossadegh and bring their own dictator the shah into power.
because the shah was a puppet of the usa and ruled undemocratically against the people, the people tried to get rid of this dictator and followed a religous fundamentalist overthrow the dictator. this leader was ayatollah chomeini.
their neighbour, afganistan was ruled by socialist and communist, 100% secular, modern, opneminded, people. but the usa didnt liked this development and supported the enemies of the secular government, which were religious fundamentalists.
in libya there was a not democratic, but secular leader, ghadaffi. there was a secular ruler in irak too, called saddam and there is a secular leader in syria... in all these cases, the usa supported and supports the religious fundamentalists against the governments.
and today: there are groups in irak, syria, libya, afganistan, iran and so on, where there were no groups like this before the american interventions.

so, who is the founder of terrorism than???

and we havent even talked about the terrorism of the western governments....

see for yourself