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RE: Terrorism is the worst threat we ever had to face - right?

in #terrorism8 years ago

I was woken up on 911 in a Vegas Hotel room. Quite a spectacle for sure.
I called BS within minutes, But there was no one besides my Girlfriend I could tell. Everyone else was in a state of shock, so I played along to see how it played out?
I've never been afraid of getting caught in the crossfire. But my GF purse was checked at the elevators for bombs? LOL
Good lord hehe
Nuff said
Good post
Now following for more


Thanks a lot. Doing the same now.

I'm not saying no terrorist attacks will ever happen. All I'm saying is that if one happens we would be doomed but it just isn't very likely. Thus, I would probably have reacted just as you did in that hotel.

When we lose our critical thinking ability and are forced into emotional responses through Media hype. They own us, and can force group think, to the point no one can add reason to the mix. because the next step is to tell us what must be done to ensure everyone's saftey. Like a military attack or martial law. ( Far worse than the act that created it )