TenX ICO / Tokensale ... Critical Questions Unanswered..

in #tenx7 years ago

Please correct me when i wrong... but thats how i understand it,

  • the PAY token is completly pre mined. So there is no PoW or PoS
  • they collect 200.000 ETH ... at the date of their ICO this will prolly be 80.000.000 USD
  • even in their Roadmap they label their Token as a Fiat Token :)
  • the PAY token qualfies the holder to benefit from the 2% Kickback Fee from Visa / Mastercard .... AND NOTHING ELSE!
  • they name Vitalik Buterin as Advisor,.... but he himself recently said.. that most ICO just name him there if they spoke a word with him once, but its in no way they would advice most of the ICO
  • In the Whitepaper they explain the usage of the funds.. however 20.000 ETH gone mysteriosly missing there already.

... if in the near future... more and more Vendors accept directly Crypto Money.. the usage of a Visa / Mastercard gets more uselss.. hence the PAY token as well... since it qualifies the people to participage only in the 2% Kickback

... i asked those and similar questions in their FB group and was kicked out the other day...

so whats SteemIt take on this?