The TenX ICO from .50 Cents to $60 and back to .50 cents and why that is a big opportunity.

in #tenx8 years ago

TenX launched its ICO a few days ago. It went very well. Currently the markets are experiencing a pretty strong correction and so there are a few what i believe to be amazing potential buys that are hidden. Im not giving advice so there is my disclaimer.

TenX Launched with an ICO price around .50 cents and shot to over $60 on a ton of interest. I watched multiple interviews with the owners before the ICO and he point blank told the people don't focus on the speculative price at the opening, that they were opening at .50 cents and he would be happy at some day in the future for the token to hit $70 and he said it with conviction.

Right now you can buy a TenX "PAY" token for .65 cents and its already going up. Currently there are 104,661,310 PAY in circluation. There are only so many legitimate companies taking blockchain payments mainstream TenX is one of them. I think when you watch a token go from an ICO opening of $60 to .65 cents at the same time a "General" downtrend is happening your setting up for growth. When do you buy? When blood is in the streets "Warren Buffet".

Just wanted to put a quick soundbite out on TenX for those in the blockchain community. We need payment processors to do well if we want crypto to go mainstream and hopefully we can take part in that and profit.Screen Shot 2017-07-10 at 6.56.23 PM.png


Great post I didn't even notice that it was that low.

Most are only watching the larger coins... that's good but we also want to watch the coins with real "utility" behind them and TenX is the cutting edge when it comes to bringing crypto payments mainstream. Upvote brother!

Good call! follow ;-)

I think so

Take advantage of it... and please upvote me

I agree, I just wrote about this, it is the next step for crypto and its needed otherwise will crypto will never rise to the top

Wanted to write some article about this, but i red some of the core developers/ invented people left tenx. Do you know anything about that?