10 truths & 1 lie - The BIG Reveal

in #tentruthsonelie7 years ago

Sorry for not posting last night. We had a super busy Monday, but I'm ready to reveal the one lie and the winner of this contest. I've been looking forward to this post all week, so let's get started.


The Truths

  • As a child, my favorite food was fried okra. I would eat bowls and bowls of the stuff.
    This one is true. Sorry @givonwayne, but I really did (and still do) love fried okra. It's actually one of the few "Southern" foods I really love.

  • I have been to Space Camp 3 times. Twice I went to actual space related camps and once I went to their Aviation Challenge camp.
    This is true. I think my level of nerdiness probably speaks for itself here.

  • Despite having very little natural ability to keep a beat, I used to play the piano. My favorite pieces to play were by Beethoven.
    I still love Beethoven the best even though I don't play anymore.

  • When I was little, my eardrum burst and I had to have surgery to repair it. They literally removed my ear during the surgery to repair the eardrum.
    I had major ear trouble when I was little. Multiple sets of tubes, the episode described above, and chronic earaches until I was about 11.

  • My husband and I knew each other for about 4 months before we got married. It was the best but most rash decision I've ever made.
    Sorry @peggyhazelwood, this one is true. We were both in our mid-twenties and simply didn't have time to worry about long engagements or big weddings. Plus, we lived in two separate cities at the time.

  • I didn't go to my senior prom. I was way too cool for that.
    I really was too cool for my senior prom, and quite a few friends were upset because I wouldn't go. I was genuinely pleased to see @andysantics48 pick this one as the lie even if it is true. ;-)

  • Despite my desire to see other countries, I have never been outside of the U.S.
    Oh @chekohler, how I was this one was the lie! One day.

  • I despise the feeling of falling and hate rollercoasters or any other thing that takes a deep plunge very fast.
    At this point, I don't think I would ride another rollercoaster for a million dollars. But if you're willing to offer a million dollars to see whether or not I would fold, I'm willing to see what happens. ;-)

  • I possess signed photos from Adam Baldwin and Sean Gunn, both of whom played supporting characters on my two of my favorite TV shows: Chuck and Gilmore Girls.
    This is true; however, I did not meet either actor in person. My sister goes to DragonCon in Atlanta every year and got each autograph for me as a birthday present.

  • I once waited up all night in a hotel lobby in the vain hope of meeting some high-level politicians, including Barack Obama and George W. Bush.

    There's this thing in Alabama called Collegiate Legislature. Students from universities around the state write bills, prepare debates, and come together to have a two-day mock legislative session. The 2007 Collegiate Legislature coincided with two big events in Alabama. The day we traveled to the state capitol a devastating tornado hit the high school in Enterprise. Nine people were killed.
    Rumor had it that President Bush was going to Enterprise to see the destruction and do general president things and that he was going to stay at the same hotel we were staying at (I have no clue whether or not he actually made it to Alabama that weekend). Barack Obama was also campaigning pretty heavily at this time and spoke in Selma (historic civil rights town) that weekend; so, several of us hung out in the lobby most of the night hoping for our patience to be rewarded by meeting two of the biggest political figures of the time. What can I say? We were a bunch of Political Science majors. Those were our celebrities. This is true as well but I thought it was a great guess @mikehamm.

The Lie & The Winner

That leaves #8 as the lie - I never made a B in grad school. I spent a lot of time with my nose shoved in books.
and the winner is @wesleyclark! The first guesser also guessed the lie correctly.

I did make one B in grad school. All of my other grades were As. If I could go back, I would put more effort into the later half of those pesky Romantic poets.

Congratulations @wesleyclark! You won half the SBD payout of that post. I'll transfer 0.1005 SDB to you soon.

Thanks to everyone who played. I had a blast seeing all the responses.



Many thanks. Wow, I won a contest.... yea!!!!

Yours was a fun one to try to guess. Cool to learn your sneaky lie!

I wasn't trying to be sneaky. I'm just not great at coming up with lies. Very glad to have fooled a few people though. :-)

Good contest. I remember that tornado in Enterprise, had to make several phone calls that day to make sure all my family was ok.

That tornado seemed so surreal. It completely changed the way school systems handle severe weather. If there's even a hint of a tornado, schools close for the day.

I don't know if it's true, but I have always heard that the 911 system got started when a town called Guin, AL got blown away with 3 tornadoes coming together and sitting over the town for 30 minutes. I was a kid, living about 20 miles away and it was one scary night. That same night, towns from Alabama to Ohio were blown away.

I'm going to have to research that. I know Guin has seen their fair share of tornadoes in the past, so it will be interesting to see if there is any truth to that.