You look cute in that picture but that Jacket is too shirt lol ;)
I am trying to get rid of my connection to things
There is a fine balance between being to attached and valuing the past through connection . Having a few items that energetically transport you is fine having an aircraft carrier full of stuff is scary ;)
How did I not know this ! I need you for my ONE project please!
My favorite number is 8
Eight is a ton of things it is turned to it's site the infinity symbol. In numerology it is a sign of the quest and often the accumulation of power and wealth. It can in it's negative also be an overbearing hunger for these things . Like with everything else in life balance and discipline help turn this number into a valuable tool :)
m still trying to figure out how this happened in my mind but have little time to even think about why but using the time to think what to do and learn next.
Knowledge is power the more you learn the more capable you become, but it also opens windows into facets of existence that lead to more understanding and more questions. People often ask what is the meaning of life. Although I am unsure if there is a life hereafter and or a god/gods When I was younger and was still 100% certain of it I always believed that life itself is a question . I believed that God asked him/herself who am I? And that creation is the quest to find that out. that basically our lives, our actions are all data send back to the source that help answer that question. So in a way God created us but through our actions we shape the universe and in a way shape God. So don't ask yourself why it is happening :) accumulating knowledge is a sign that you are alive and shaping the face of the divine :)
haha, as for the jacket this is the style now in Los Angeles rather than the traditional long coats, plus I like how it makes my butt look in jeans :) as for the air craft carrier to store my things, this sounds like a great option and will help me move my junk overseas in a jiffy. as for the ONE project I would like to hear more, working on some music collaboration at the moment so it sounds interesting. as for the numerology stuff, very interesting my wife and I both choose 8, it makes sense and is quite the burden. as for the knowledge is power, i do believe every word you said and feel the power, I certainly appreciate you and your comments :) For now I will keep accumulating knowledge and see where it leads me. Learn now and figure the rest out later of it all comes together.
LOL, the idea was > NOT < to get an aircraft carrier silly ;)