
I have said nothing to you up till now but you have gone over line from being a jerk to a pompous classless jack ass. Have you been smoking to much of that pot or you normally that much off a ass

Posted using Partiko iOS

A lifetime of "ignoring the haters" (aka refusing to learn when new information comes your way) has led you to becoming an ignorant and bitter old man who posts spam on the blockchain.
Your entire post is spam - unwanted garbage material that adds nothing of value.
And this comment is garbage as well, because sadly, your lifetime of ignorance has resulted in you believing the exact opposite of what is true. Science clearly shows that cannabinoids repair damaged neurons and protect brain cells from injury or damage. I have dozens of articles and videos on the topic, should you care to educate yourself.
Maybe if you had a little Cannabidiol (CBD) on board, your thinking would clear up and you'd be able to post actual content to the blockchain? Who knows. It certainly can't hurt, unless you can't afford the oil. Luckily, prices continue to drop, as cannabis prohibition finally dies out - along with the ignorant brainwashed fools who still cling to it.

Say what you like I said you are just pot head with a big ignorant mouth. You know nothing about me but you are showing your self to be a ignorant know it all

Posted using Partiko iOS

Sounds like a dopefiend with too many problems. Really, not the quality of people here.
Someone needs to take care of that.

Someone crapped in your Cheerios? Or you just lack the basic understanding of support in a community? One of the two, but your reply was worth far less time than it takes me to type this.

I support the community by posting quality unique content, and calling out bullshit spam when I see it. If everybody did the same, this would be an amazing place.

If the people understand community (which you do not), then they will support members. I'm not a professional writer, neither are you. Don't pretend. Nor will you pretend that you understand the workings of interpersonal relationships, as you seek to denigrate others.

No, that's backwards, again.
People who understand and build community will call out garbage posts whenever they see them. This is what good members of the community do. Bad members of the community, like yourself, encourage garbage posts with no real content. You're working against the rest of us good posters here on the blockchain. Just stop.

Although you're not worth the time to reply, I will say that slander is a dangerous game to start.

Go ahead, start. You'll need to look up 'slander' first though.
You might as well continue. Nothing you've said has any merit yet, but hey, it could happen if you try enough times!