
This will be my own version of the #tenfactsonelie challenge going around.

Basically, a steemian will present 11 statements and have ten of them be true and one of them be false. Then, at the end of the post payout, there seems to be some sort of reward for whoever guesses the correct one first. I'm not sure where this challenge started, or first shared it on steemit, or what the exact rules are, so I'll just wing my own version, because I am ignorant.


Below I'll share eleven statements. One will not be true, but the other ten will be. The first person who guesses the false one will receive the liquid post payout from this post. I'll do a reveal post once it is over and share more about the statements and reveal who won. Please be careful though, since you will only be allowed one guess per person. Here it goes.

ONE - @Papa-pepper graduated high school with a perfect attendance record and high honors.

TWO - @Papa-pepper was formerly a singer in a heavy metal band.

THREE - @Papa-pepper was once fired from a pizza restaurant in New Orleans for giving away free pizzas.

FOUR - @Papa-pepper has a big "gangsta-style" tattoo across his stomach in Old English letters that reads "Soul Rebel."

FIVE - @Papa-pepper has been in three severe car accidents but walked away from every one of them.

SIX - @Papa-pepper has always enjoyed the music of Phil Collins.

SEVEN - @Papa-pepper has had twelve body piercings in his life including one that went through the skin in front of his throat.

EIGHT - @Papa-pepper has had multiple guns pointed at him in his life and even got pistol-whipped once, which knocked out one of his teeth.

NINE - @Papa-pepper once lived at a house that was rented from a police officer while being used as a drug den.

TEN - @Papa-pepper has been to jail many times, but only to tell the inmates about Jesus Christ.

ELEVEN - @Papa-pepper once climbed on top of a Taco Bell store after hours to steal "chihuahua flags" during the "Yo quiero Taco Bell" era.


Can any of you spot the false one? Remember, you only get one guess, but the first person to guess correctly will win the liquid post payout from this post. I won't reveal anything until then, so have fun and see if you can tell.

Until next time…

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GIF provided by @orelmely



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I'm definitely going with 8 @papa-pepper

I guess this is false
TWO - @Papa-pepper was formerly a singer in a heavy metal band.

Good guess - we will see if you are correct next week!

I'm going to guess #1 is false:

"ONE - @Papa-pepper graduated high school with a perfect attendance record and high honors."

Good guess! We will find out if you are correct next week!

This is false

TEN - @Papa-pepper has been to jail many times, but only to tell the inmates about Jesus Christ.

Good guess, we will find out next week.

papa-pepper you are amazing, papa-pepper please help me once or please visit my blog if there is a chance

Could it be number 6?

We will see next week.

I'm gonna go with 10.

Good guess. I'll reveal the false one next week!

This is my guess @papa-pepper
SEVEN - @Papa-pepper has had twelve body piercings in his life including one that went through the skin in front of his throat.

We will have to wait until next week to see if you are correct. Thanks for guessing.

I think number 10. I would have gone with 7 or 9 if I have more opportunities to pick 😂.

No #1 is false others, right.

ELEVEN - @Papa-pepper once climbed on top of a Taco Bell store after hours to steal "chihuahua flags" during the "Yo quiero Taco Bell" era.

Thanks for the guess. I will share which one is false next week!

EIGHT - @Papa-pepper has had multiple guns pointed at him in his life and even got pistol-whipped once, which knocked out one of his teeth.

I think no. 8 is false, if not please do a post about it in future, it seems filmy.

Thanks for guessing. We will find out next week if you are correct.

Guess #Three is false

Good guess, I'll let you know next week!

#1. I Think @papa-pepper never graduated high school with a perfect attendance record and high honors. Great post though! Thanks for sharing ;)

I'll vote for #6.

We will see if you are correct. Next week my friend.

Wow, I’m going to go with number four.

Thanks for guessing. We will find out next week.

This is a hard one.
I must say, you made it really hard and I will have to guess on this one.
My guess is #1 since that is the only one that doesn't fit with all the other ones.

That one does seem different now that you mention it, we will find out next week.

I Guess the #four as, the false

I was going to guess 10, but others beat me to it, so I'll go with 6 - does anyone really enjoy the music of Phil Collins? Although I'm curious about the drug den owned by a cop... unless that's a lie! Nah, I'll stick with Phil Collins as being false

No. 9 is not true. I hope I guessed right

We will see if you are correct next week!

I think it's Third Number 😅

Statement Eight is my guess as the false

Hola @papa pepper, siento que puede ser la numero cinco...

Number 4 Papa pepper has a big gangster tattoo across his stomach in old english letters that read Soul Rebel.

Good guess, we will find out next week!

I guess 7 is falae

We will see, I'll let you know next week.

this is really great Story of your life,
I am proud of you on the third note.
even if you are fired at a pizza restaurant, but it's really a very good deed you do @papa-pepper.

I guess #5 is false - @Papa-pepper has been in three severe car accidents but walked away from every one of them.

Good guess - We will find out if you are correct nice week!

I’m going to go with #4!

I go with number 5

let me guess #2

10 It would be crazy to go to prison for that, when you can go as a missionary

5 is false :)

nice brother

Its got to be #5!

Because if you got into 3 severe car accidents and only walked away from 2 of them, well then... what are we reading now?


Number eight is false.... And I'm always right 😆😆😜

Hmmmm...I’ll go for...
ONE - @Papa-pepper graduated high school with a perfect attendance record and high honors.

Guess all the numbers are now being taken :) But if I have to take a guess, it would be THREE - @Papa-pepper was once fired from a pizza restaurant in New Orleans for giving away free pizzas.
I for one won't totally give it away for free, probably would eat one though without the boss knowing

ONE - @Papa-pepper graduated high school with a perfect attendance record and high honors.

This is false.

ONE - @Papa-pepper graduated high school with a perfect attendance record and high honors.

Number one....

All the numbers have been chosen, so this is just for fun. I'm sure all of them are true except for a love for Phil Collins, because "Always" is never true. Surely there was a time when you preferred the Alphabet Song to Phil Collins. Even if you loved it as a baby, there must have been a day when you listened to Phil Collins on repeat so much that you grew tired of it. In that moment, you did not enjoy the music of Phil Collins!

Bah. I'm reaching.

LOL - Too bad you showed up after they were all taken. We will see next week.

It would be 9 @papa-peper,

I guess number ONE is false

I 'm definitely going for 3, false

SEVEN - @Papa-pepper has had twelve body piercings in his life including one that went through the skin in front of his throat.

I will say #1, Perfect attendance in high school sounds fishy.

I'll go for 10

I am going wit no. 1. Not that you are very wise and cool and clever but you were talking about being quite a rebel in your youth, So I guess its one!

I go with 9

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