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RE: 10 Most BREATHTAKING Viewing Platforms In the World

in #ten7 years ago

You really don't understand how this place works, do you? For what it's worth, I took my flag off, but @steemcleaners still got you - they don't take kindly to plagiarism. If you want to get revenge by flagging all of someone's posts, I suggest you go and do it to them and see how far it gets you. If you want to know why they flagged you, go and read their Abuse Guide - 2017 Update and The Importance of Citation.

Please don't flag my next post. Or if you do, at least have the balls to leave a comment telling why you did it. As a general rule, you should think very carefully about who you flag. I put a lot of effort into writing my own original content, and do not take kindly to having what little I earn taken away by someone who is upset that they got caught cheating and is too ignorant to know that they are not even getting "revenge" on the right account.

Yes, you cost me a tiny bit of SBD on a few posts. But you can't reduce the payout on posts that have already paid out.

Also, you can't reduce the reputation of anyone with a higher reputation than you. So I can reduce your reputation even further, but you cannot even touch mine.

I actually think this is a bit unfair. But let me tell you, Steemit is not the land of 'fair'. It's the rich and powerful making lots of money for themselves while the rest of us fight for the crumbs.

I am not going to report your continuing blatant plagiarism right now. You can edit this post. I am going to go and do my own thing, and when I come back in about 12 hours time, I hope you will have at least tried to link to the source of your material. This is for your own good. If you keep going like this, @steemcleaners will smack you down again.


hey there really sorry.. i flagged you only of my frustration.. I removed all my flags... I'am getting only 4$ per day my salary.. that's y i tried to do like this.. keep going extremely sorry dear..

And please say how to give copyrights to others content i ready to give share of my earnings to them. please remove all flags and comments . i got 0.29 dollars on first post.

Please read those links from @steemcleaners that I posted. The short answer is you need to literally include the link in your post. But you can't just use someone else's work and link to it, as people will feel that this doesn't bring any value to Steemit. Your posts should be at least 50% your own words.

For example, you can include that list (including a link to where it came from), then write something about why you agree or disagree with what's on it, or why you think that there are places near you that are just as good, or why you think it's wrong that the vast majority of people in the world will never get anywhere near any of these places (and what could be done to change that). Write poetry or fiction inspired by these places. But whatever you write, it has to be original.

Finding your voice is hard. But don't tell me you have nothing to say. Unless I'm very much mistaken, you do feel things like frustration, anger, desperation, hope, as well as an appreciation of beauty and inventiveness. Write what you feel. It's hard, and when people don't appreciate it, it's crushing. But it's rewarding too. If nothing else it will help you develop skills that will make you more employable. The best practice for writing is writing.

Finding other people here on steemit with similar backgrounds who are more experienced with the platform and who can show you the right way to do things is really helpful too. There are a lot of nationality-based groups that help each other (though I don't know many of them, and I don't know where you are, if where you are from).

You should read this post: and look at joining the Peace, Abundance, Liberty channel on Discord. They help registered users with upvotes, have a heap of different channels devoted to specific countries, and there are people there who can help you with your writing, as well as answer any questions you have about Steemit in general.

Of course, I'm not trying to survive on $4 per day, so I shouldn't lecture you on this. But the stuff you post has to change, or you won't last long here.

Really thanks a lot for your valuable message. I have no time to concentrate on writing full time. nearly i'm working 9 hours per day and i'm getting very low pay. i am in tough situation on economy that's y i did like this. here after really i never post others content once again. and once again sorry for flagged you. i felt very guilty on flagged you really sorry dear.

Hai bro can i post article like this with different words. With my own experience with this article. please clear me this doubt.

As long as most of the words are original and yours, and anything that isn't yours has links acknowledging that, you can literally post whatever you want.