Why we want Temco

in #temco6 years ago



TEMCO is a startup that uses blockchain innovation to associate disengaged supply binds and creates administrations to use the recently interconnected information. From the corporate-side, TEMCO gives organizations Business Intelligence (BI) devices, an examination apparatus that helps organizations productively get to the information on the blockchain. From the customer side, TEMCO is creating applications where shoppers can straightforwardly see the appropriation procedure all the way.

ICO Bench

This site is extremely notable for trouble in accepting high scores for some activities. It additionally has "master" rating area, plausibility of accepting a high or low appraising.

Be that as it may, TEMCO got great weight and appraisals from the ICO Bench specialists who are regarded in the business and in their field.

One of the specialists who evaluated us specified that "Strong group with a reputation. Solid business venture with a decent utilize instance of blockchain. Intriguing utilization of the RSK Blockchain, adaptable and secure. Scaffold among purchasers and organizations".

Temco Mission

Little and medium-sized endeavors (SMEs) don't have adequate foundation or monetary adaptability to offer inventory network administration information to their clients. Then again, clients need more data about their requests more than any time in recent memory. In the current framework, they just approach essential transportation logs and estimations.

Utilizing blockchain and keen gets, the Transportation Enterprise Merchandise Customer Organization (TEMCO) Project will upset store network administration through creative innovation.

Our venture will give more noteworthy straightforwardness and unwavering quality over the whole inventory network procedure to convey reliable data that engages organizations and purchasers.

What Makes Temco Special

TEMCO really еnаblеѕ соmраniеѕ tо uрlоаd information оn blосkсhаin through their vеndоr аррliсаtiоn. The application procedure is аѕ еаѕу аѕ ѕсаnning a QR соdе аttасhеd to the рrоduсt. Infоrmаtiоn iѕ naturally transferred thrоugh IоT, аnd Tеmсо findѕ thе dazzle ѕроtѕ whilе intеgrаting with еxiѕting framework APIѕ tо соnnесt the whole рrосеѕѕ.

Alѕо, thе Business Intelligence Tool iѕ a dеviсе that mаkеѕ Temco even mоrе uniԛuе. Whilе gеtting thе ѕuррlу сhаin information оntо thе blосkсhаin iѕ imроrtаnt, it iѕ nоt to a great degree significant withоut examination аnd аggrеgаtiоn. Temco's buѕinеѕѕ insight instrument аnаlуzеѕ аnd pictures inventory network dаtа, inсluding соnѕumеr infоrmаtiоn, continuously to рrоvidе inѕightѕ to buѕinеѕѕеѕ.

Alѕо, with thiѕ information оrgаnizеd аnd conveyed bу the Buѕinеѕѕ Intеlligеnсе Tооl, buѕinеѕѕеѕ will nоt just hаvе more data, yet they will аlѕо have infоrmаtiоn thаt is conveyed in a сlеаr fоrmаt tо аid with рrоblеm ѕоlving.

TEMCO's business activity


TEMCO is building up a blockchain based inventory network administration stage. By utilizing blockchain innovation, confined store network frameworks are associated under one stage. In light of the information put away in blockchain, TEMCO offers a business insight instrument for organizations to settle on better key choices. For customers, TEMCO gives constant inventory network data and a web based business stage with cryptographic money installment include.

Potential advantages utilizing TEMCO stage

Fabricates would now be able to comprehend where and how their items are exchanged. Blockchain based store network arrange illuminates where the issues happened, and members can rapidly discover how to take care of the issues. Also, makers can check the capacity conditions through TEMCO's application paying little mind to the place.

Through blockchain based store network arrange, the maker can keep up the high caliber of the items and speak with the capable party to address any issues or issues. Through such exertion, organizations will pick up shopper's trust by offering higher quality items.

TEMCO's seller application will disentangle the way toward transferring information. The application is anything but difficult to use also, it tends to be utilized by anybody. By utilizing the application, no manual passage is required, decreasing any human blunders.

With the development of blockchain and IoT innovation, data can be consequently entered and subsequently, dispense with excess of manual info and approval.

As of recently, getting to item data and inventory network information was troublesome. In any case, filtering the QR code through TEMCO's buyer application won't just show essential item data, yet in addition crude fixings utilized, produce data, conveyance records and dispatching information.

This total association of all information will lessen the hindrance in acquiring and will in the long run prompt higher consumer loyalty.

More data about items are accessible through TEMCO's customer application, and this will build the likelihood of shopper buys. Organizations like Nenia can profit extraordinarily from the TEMCO stage, picking up customer dedication and brand mindfulness

Temco Road map

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  • May, 2018
    Launch website;
    Release whitepaper.
  • June, 2018
    Release prototype;
    Develop advisory board.
  • Aug, 2018
    Start private sale.
  • Oct, 2018
    Start whitelisting.
  • Nov, 2018
    Start public sale (TBD).
  • Dec, 2018
    Develop decentralized RSK based supply chain network.
  • 1Q 2019
    Develop BI tool, ERP, and consumer application;
    Develop a business model for luxury goods industry.
  • 2Q, 2019
    Develop IoT on TEMCO supply chain platform.
  • 3Q, 2019
    Launch beta BI tool.
  • 4Q, 2019
    Launch beta consumer application;
    Launch TEMCO verified API service.
  • 1Q, 2020
    Launch beta luxury goods market on TEMCO platform.
  • 2Q, 2020
    Launch luxury goods market on TEMCO platform;
    Launch BI tool;
    Launch beta ERP.
  • 3Q, 2020
    Launch ERP and consumer application.
  • 4Q, 2020
    Launch partner’s mall and point mall;
    Launch TEMCO data service.

More details

writer details
ETH address: 0x5dBF88F468cacAD629E648c6226eB32AB2C6A8D8
Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2154260
