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in #telokanda4 years ago


The Telokanda Discord server is becoming one of the most energetic and vibrant servers on Discord. Such Servers are where you go to cool off after a stressful day and share good vibes with your fellow Crypto enthusiasts. The fact that KANDA token is available on the Hive Platform and also on the Telos Blockchain has given users easy access to the token. Just last week, TELOS KANDA was added on Newdex. Efforts are currently being made to add EOS KANDA on Newdex.

Telokanda is a Telos Blockchain based advertising platform which rewards users for clicking on ads and also sharing ads. Users on the platform are rewarded with KANDA which is the platform's Native currency that can be traded on the Hive-engine market and Newdex exchange. Wallets that support KANDA are SQRL wallet for desktop, Coolx for Mobile and Hive-engine. @telokanda has a Tribe on Hive.


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Post Contents through Telokanda nitrous Site here

Buy KANDA with TLOS via Newdex

Buy KANDA via Hive-engine

To Create a Telos account, Download A Telos Wallet or CoolX Wallet for Mobile or SQRL wallet here for desktop

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Visit Telokanda Website for more info.




Telokanda by telos block chain actually does work. View ads and get rewarded that's all it takes.
Telokanda is here to stay!

Thank you for promoting Telokanda! It is the best Hive community so far. 😄