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RE: Fireball him! Dungeons and Dragons, Stranger Things, and Other Nerdy Stuff

in #television9 years ago

Is it really "Eleven" though? I'm a CompSci major and whenever I see 011 (0 kept intact), I consider it binary, which converts to "3" in decimal. It's really odd to insert a 0 before 11 if "eleven" is what's really meant.

Sure, there are arguments that point to the tattoo as a designation much like Nazi concentration camps, although in a laboratory/test subject kind of setting. It's just really weird that there's a 0 there. Do they intend to go until 999 and stop there? Since the 80s are the advent of the computer revolution, it could be an homage to that by the creators.

Anyway, yeah, that's how I interpreted it, since 011 is pretty much the only weapon they had against it. Sure the three teens tried to burn it at one point as well, but I guess their d20 roll landed on a miss.