Game of Thrones Theon's future theory. (Spoilers if you've not seen S7 Ep2.)

in #television7 years ago

That bloody Theon Greyjoy does it again, like how many times is he going to let down his family and friends?

(images HBO Game of Thrones.)

So at the end of episode 2 we see Theon jump ship during a large sea battle between the two Iron Island fleets. In doing so he leaves his sister Yara in the hands of their evil Uncle Euron and you just know that Yara's story isn't going to be good. After all Yara has done for him he couldn't even die trying to save her but instead jumped overboard into the sea.

I feel this is the next step in the redemption of Theon and a step he has to go through to finally become Theon Greyjoy again. You just have to look at other redemtion stories of major characters to see how a sisters love and a few hugs was never enough to bring him back from being Reek.


Look at Jon Snow's story, he had to die and be brought back to life to become ready to be King of the North.
Dany lost her husband, walked through fire and had many more setback in fortune just to get to Dragonstone.
Jaime Lannister lost his hand and later his children while he turned from hated Kingslayer to finding his redemption as one of the shows most decent characters, even though he still needs to get over the whole twin sister thing.

For Theon though, to return to being truly Ironborn he needs this dip in the sea, he needs to confront the Drowned God of his people and be purified to wash away all traces of Reek. Theon needs to drown and be revived so he returns harder and stronger, only then will he be able to face down his uncle and regain the Iron Islands.
By jumping ship as his fears and Reek resurfaced he is unwittingly jumping into the final step of his redemption. Theon will drowned in the sea and his body will be washed ashore where he will be revived. The Drowned God religion has rules like the others in the Seven Kingdoms against kinslaying so when Euron killed his brother (Theon's father.) to take the crown of the Iron Islands he went against his god. We have seen often in Game of Thrones that the gods do use people to take revenge and Theon will return to take revenge on Euron for killing his father, and probably his sister too.

Thoughts and comments are welcome.


one of the best series i see every time what a great season it is this time , blockbuster , really great to see this owsm season

I am happy to see Danny and I want her to kiss Snow.

awwwww so sweet of you my love

This is a colosal film rigth?

Nice post ! I am desperately waiting this new season !! I want to see new roles of Theon .
Upvoted !

I love game of throns 💓

Agreed, Theon will probably resurrect and rise from the sea a new man or as his former self except hopefully like Snow and the others as a better former self & take the throne of Iron Islands. He would have to since the show does not focus on unimportant people.

I was also disappointed on Theon reaction 😭 But let's see what future episodes will bring us 👍🙋 @lavitaebella

But what was his choices? Had he fight, they both may have died, he and his sister at the same time. He might have made a wiser decision even if he was being a wimp while jumping off the ship. For the most part, I am sad about how girly he is too.

True yes! They might have killed him if he stepped out. Maybe wiser to hide for him..but it's not heroic action but rather coward one 🔥

Well, he obviously had a messed up experience when he had his $%^ removed. I guess he can't be expected to just easily forget things, especially when his uncle is a dominant male like the guy who cut it off. Definitely not the direction I wished the episode to go.

Amazing series!

I like this cinema😊

Did they continue again?

Season 7 has begun and just aired the second episode.

I want to watch more war scene ^^

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment