If you are into crypto space Telegram is taking over almost all other community communications when it comes to Group chatting.

Year ago, slack was major player, it still is somewhat active and used widely for administrative group chats but recent months I noticed almost every new project uses Telegram as a medium of communication. And it is growing quite rapidly as far as I can see...
Look into any ICO projects, they all have Telegram group chat. And seeing massive growth from crypto space, telegram even planning to do an ICO, TON.
What it tells us is that, easy on-boarding and having desktop and mobile application in sync so users don't have to stuck with only one device is the key to success!
For that reasons, eSteem is also exploring private messaging and group chatting with multiple use cases and many more use cases that are mobile as well as improve utility... With upcoming Communities feature this can be organized into something huge...
How do you see Telegram alternative working on top of Steem?
Do you think it is viable or you think those telegram groups are only used temporarily and doesn't bring much of value in long term?!
What use cases do you see, can it leverage Steem's reward system?
Very interesting idea. This would really simplify the procedure for communication within the system. I think I will not reveal the secret, if I tell you that everyone communicates through a disco. If the described idea is implemented Steem will become even more like a social network. I think it will be in demand and convenient.
I think Discord is a lot easier and user friendly than Telegram and already have some big Steem chat groups.
There needs to be a way to message someone on Steem without having to post a public comment. Transferring 0.001 steem with a memo is glitchy and not cool. Just give us a messenger with encrypted texts.
Yes, it's handy, but having your own chord on steem would be cool.
Interesting ... but I also think that many many such apps will come into play ... telegram though has shown great promise
I agree, telegram is quite clunky compared to discord. now, if we could only get discord to join forces with steem by them starting up an smt!!!! Incredible!
At the end of 2012 Durov quickly realized that half visitors of vk.com was from desktop and mobile. And these indicators grew with each month.Thus, he placed his stake on the mobile market and did not lose
I, in general, amazes the ingenuity of Durov. By the way, until 2017, Telegram did not give the state data about users. How things are not vkurse, stopped monitoring.
since nothing has changed, his doin well. im so sorry that he had to actually leave the country due to persistent harassment and pressure
Thank you for this information.
I agree the same
The disco always has noise @cranium but cryto must be a game of silence!
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please i need your upvote https://steemit.com/steemit/@davizoe/steemit-as-a-platform-that-rewards-not-pay
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Very interesting idea. This would really simplify the procedure for communication within the system. I think I will not reveal the secret, if I tell you that everyone communicates through a disco. If the described idea is implemented Steem will become even more like a social network. I think it will be in demand and convenient.
There are a lot of Telegram crypto related groups with people that don't even familiar with Steem. everytime I'm seeing someone asks what is Steem and why it gained so much, I tell them about it and they get really interested, because of the idea of Steem.
I think Telegram can alternatively work on top of Steem, because it can also promote Steem.
I think it's viable and will last for long. I'm a part of some groups, I'm not active much, but it can be valuable. they can send an announcement that will change the price of the coin massively ( happened for me with MOD, made a lot of satoshi. )
I think it can leverage, for sure.
Oh, and btw, the Telegram ICO? INSANE. heard about it yesterday.
Certainly can't say that Telegram groups don't bring value. They are a perfect place to discuss the project details before jumping in. Similar thing over Steem could work, if it can attract other projects to start using it. Right now Medium is the major blogging platform for crypto projects and Telegram is the default discussion forum.
We are all witnessing the dominance of Telegram in the crypto niche. Slack got out of the game due to security reasons, and apart from telegram I see some are moving to lesser-known Rocket Chat. As I understand there is no real alternative to Telegram on the horizon, but we all know how quickly things change in the crypto world....
I think those telegram groups are only used temporarily and doesn't bring much of value in long term.
Telegram gives you an instant and direct communication channel with companies. I'm part of a few official telegram groups of a few crypto projects and also a few interest groups pertaining to a diverse set of topics.
While I don't check these groups every day, a quick glance every once in a while helps me keep in sync with everyone. Unlike Facebook and Twitter, I'm not bombarded with marketing posts. I think Telegram just might be a new kind of communication channel altogether. Question is how long can it survive?
You absoluty said what in my mind. Durov is very far-sighted man, his doin good, i think telegram will compete with facebook soon.
If you remember I asked you about this. Yes this would be a great thing to have. You would be the one to make it happen, Feruz.
Unfortunately, not all of the social media users are familiar with this. I have taught them to use telegram to encourage the needed, but I am not able motivated them at all.
As a social media specialist, I do prefer to use Telegram at least for 2 reasons. First, telegram are able to get many members. Second, the settings are really useful and easier to new comers.
I think it would be great at least if we will have an option to quickly chat with a Steem account user via eSteem for example and to use our wallet there sending some SBD or STEEM. Then group chats are also nice and useful feature but I guess it would be something like lightning network for btc, right? Blockchain is too slow for chatting...
Pavel Durov made amazing thing with Telegram. His child project Vkontakte social network was theft by russian mafia so he made a chat and now he made a social network out of this chat. You can blog in channels there, you can comment with groups or personally, you can even listen to the music again with some bots as we do in VK. I wonder if it is possible to build same for the Steem? I mean there would be a chat like application but actually you can see your news feed there, post, comment and do other things?
I haven't used Telegram yet.. I need to catch up!
With upcoming SMT development private messaging and group chatting developed on the top of steem blockchain will be a great idea and I think it will bring a lot of value and functionality to steem, SMT's and the users/communities. Additionally, we don't have to rely on third party apps or blockchain for whatever the reason. However if the chat is built and stored as comment posts, the users might bump into bandwith problem. Well, I am not a dev and dont know what happens when some process is tied to something that will be used frequently. I would like to see telegram alternative native to steem blockchain. Thanks!
Really very good thinking and I personally strongly agree, I'm sure steemit to be the leader and in need of people who have good thoughts like yourself @good-karma
for me personally with know steemit then my life changed for the better. then I personally still many kekurang and please guidance for me can be a good person in steemit. I'm sorry from me @bachtiar0210 may be a lot of disrespectful words
please improve eSteem on Android first. Still very buggy. 80% availability. I am patient but alot of other users are not. thx!
Wish you more new ideas!I think, that eSteem is more for blogging, share fotos, cool moments of life for world-wide space. Telegram is more for chatting tet-a-tet and channel news. Telegram has an intersing api that can be apply for bots or bot-o-shops. Hmm, eSteem and Telegram use different search and you may use them for different goals. One of exciting thing about Telegram is... a huuge Russian government PR, so people use T for fast and secure messaging. eSteem i know is an alternative social network with deep knowlegdes about blockchain technologies and it like a new wikipedia. Thank you for eSteem, @good-karma!
Telegram is an example of instant chatting, however, blocks have 3 seconds of approval time. Not sure how can we position steem blockchain into applications require instant communication.
3 seconds is instant enough, even sending message to telegram takes more than seconds due to network propagation.
please enlighten senior to attract the attention of the steemians
Thanks for what you are doing, I've included you here and I've won 30 STEEMS , I hope you will like it. ☺
This is a great idea, more so considering how much telegram is utilized by token providers and ico campaigns. If crypto continues to be a sustainable investment vehicle, both telegram and telegram alternatives will live long and prosper in unison with the crypto market
Nice post...
Thank for sharing @good-karma
the best
thank you for your ideas @good-karma
Thanks for the knowledge, this is very valuable @good-karma
Ladies and gentlemen prepare for an epic social media crypto-race. Yesterday was Facebook..Today...Telegram...Tomorrow you'll hear probably Instagram Twitter or Whatsapp saying we are lainching our ICO next month.
I somehow saw this coming although not as fast as its been with Telegram.
It's a shame i downloaded the Telegram app and joined today. Don't judge me !!" I was stuck outside the 21st century for a while. You know what happens with time travel right? Those time travel machines jam at times. So it was hard for me to come back to the present at times. I have travelled both back and ahead in time and i saw 1 Bitcoin trading at 100000000000$ in future. Pardon me!! I seem to be going a little bit out of topic. So let me get back to Telegram App and its cryptocurrency plans. Its some good news for Telegramers.Really great news for the crypto- community.Would have loved or rather reccomend the name "Telecoin" more.The symbol would definately have been TLC .But as long as there will be good value in it,the name doesn't really matter.
The cryptocurrency world is just getting more and more interesting with time. Now i'm beginning to think and forsee all these basic apps from android apps and iphone apps coming up and creating their own coins soon.
I personally wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow i checked my browser and find googlecoin ico or even chromecoin.
This calls for a serious crypto-regulation though or what are your thoughts on this..? The rate at which ICOs are launch is increasing.
We can't really have 5 new cryptocurrencies being launched each and everyday.Let alone one. It might reach a point where cryptocurrency will have to lose it's meaning cause everyone will want to have a coin created by them. I was among the people who had started thinking of coming up with my own cryptocoin/tokens. Its only that i didn't have the required resources. I might be launching it anytime though.Just Stay tuned !! :)
Anyways...as long as we end up profiting and gaining from this new cryptocoins, ico's and crypto, it doesn't really matter what happens and how many of them launch for now. I hope it doesn't spoil the fun.
This Telegram news is huge.
I'm waiting for this one to launch:

a very good post thanks for post @good-karma
Use leverage Steem's reward system? Haha, make all FLOODERS are billioners )))))
Yeah can't imagine what I'd do with all that cash I'd get for texting gibberish.
I'd much rather use a chat that is built on top of the steem blockchain, than something that is outside it.
I don't think Telegram would go for steem as a reward system and probably want to do their own thing.
I'm glad esteem is exploring that niche though.
Thought discord was the chat of choice?
I find discord better than slack and telegram but everyone has their own tastes.
If I compare Telegram to Discord, the user friendly UI and tons of possibilities Discords offers are no where to find in Telegram.
Also, all major Steemit groups are represented through Discord (correct me if I'm wrong). PAL, Steepshot, Zapple, Dmania, Steemcleaners, World of Photography, SMA, Slothicorn, Utopian, Vo-Tu, Whaleshares, The Lions Legion etc etc.
Why would I ditch that?
Don't get me wrong, I use both. But the joy and satisfaction I get wiht the use of Discord is not even close to what Telegram offers.
Just Opportunity, Lol!
I am net to Steem, but won't an IM service need more bandwidth per user?
I think all the communication tools are created to benefit the wearer including Telegram which was once still very simple but because of the change of time it is not used anymore so in creating online-based social media to reach more between individuals and groups around the world, as well as other things also exist bad effects wear them but this is not much of a profit to use them. thanks @goodkarma.
thank brother karma
thank you so muchhello mr. @good-karma I am new in esteem, I really need a vote from you help vote my post @rizkisyahmaulana
Nice ..👍
Thanks for sharing ..Following you for more.
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does this mean we can communication fellow member steem through the Telegram quickly? I think this a brilliant idea. but if this be a communication tool fellow member steem what we need to sign up again in the Telegram? or we can directly connected with just taking applications esteem?
To a great degree entrancing idea. This would really rework the approach for correspondence inside the structure. I figure I won't reveal the secret, in case I uncover to you that everyone bestows through a disco. In case the portrayed idea is realized Steem will end up being significantly more like a casual association. I figure it will be looked for after and invaluable.
that's a great idea because with the addition of group chatter in esteem will be a new opportunity to continue to improve and equally premises telegram
I think discord better.
but telegram is also good, I see something from a unique telegram that is mining coin like btc, eth, ltc and others.
I think those telegram groups are unaided used temporarily and doesn't bring much of value in long term. @good-karma
depending on the purpose of what will be used later, may be better with the type of desktop and mobile
Good posting
great post!! with very interesting information about steem...thank you for sharing with us..@good-karma
Todo lo que nos permita una mejor interacción entre los miembros de steemit debe ser bien recibido.
Nice post Upvote and Resteem your post ... I like your post..
Thanks for sharing 👍Nice post @good-karma
Great Post
Telegram use cases that could leverage steem's reward system -
thats all I could think as Telegram user