I just tested VR. How much time is left until we'll be part of a matrix?

in #techreview8 years ago (edited)

During my Steemit break I attended an exciting event, a Virtual Reality Meetup. A friend came up with the idea of investing together in VR. The idea was for us to make a space for people who want to experience VR. So I wanted to find out more about this relatively new and growing industry. 

It wasn’t a big event, we were only about 20 people invited and that’s why the atmosphere was very friendly and relaxing. The host was a web developing company and I was welcomed from the very beginning by a very cheerful group of employees. I was invited from the start to check the fridge as they had beers and cola, in the meantime they ordered pizza. 

The event started with Dan from imm3rsive.com, a speaker from France, who introduced us to VR. Made a short presentation about VR and its development. Interesting enough is that he’s searching creators because there’s not enough content for VR. I would have gladly recommended myself, but I know I’m not that skilled for the time.  

So, what is VR? Virtual Reality is a term used for the absorption into a 360˚ or 3d landscape. For now you can experience it only when using specific equipment. When you put the glasses, you’re no longer in the same place, you feel like you’re in the center of another world, and even if you look in your right or left, you are still there.  I suppose many of you already knew what VR stands for. 

But did you know that this project has its roots from 1787, when a painter (Robert Barker) exposed his work in a panoramic view, using the inside of a cylindrical building?  And he was not the only one, many artists followed his steps. This panoramic image was given the name “cyclorama”. Being in the center of this room, you could see the image as if you were part of it.  

As for the term “Virtual Reality”, it was given in 1938 by a playwright (Antonin Artaud) who believed that theatre can put you in a different world and while it lasts you consider yourself part of it.  

The closest to achieve what we have today, was Morton Heilig, who created in 1962 Sensorama, a machine that could immerse you a in a 3d scene. This machine was able to display wide angle 3d colored images and stereo-sound and it also had some exceptional effects for that time: vibrations, aromas, wind. 

Likewise, Heilig was the one who created the first VR Head Mounted Display, but it only provided wide 3d colored films, with stereo-sound, without interaction.

And the story goes on. Between 1960 and 2000 many VR products were invented, and the evolution didn’t stay quiet. 

But after 2000, the development skyrocketed. While the price of technology is going down, the features are going up. 

Today we have 2 types of VR, mobile and tethered VR. The mobile VR is more affordable, you only need your smartphone and the headset, but it has lower graphics and almost no interactivity. While for the Tethered one, you need a performant PC, headset and sensors. As you guessed, it’s really entertaining to use it for videogames and interactive experiences (movies). The price difference is huge, but it’s also fair. The mobile VR can cost you from 20 $ to 100, while the Thetered ones only work on pcs that value over 1300 $.

After Dan and another developer spoke, each of us took a beer and the conversations began. The hosts also brought a Tethered VR, HTC Vive, which was released this year, in April. I experienced a movie and a game. I had to prevent my castle from being conquered, using a bow. It was really entertaining, considering that I never tried out playing a game in VR. 

Looking at the other guys playing using an invisible bow, I began to wonder if I would also be able to move my hands that way, even if I don’t have a real bow in my hands. My concern stopped as soon as I put the glasses and I took the controllers. It felt really real and I don’t know if my happiness came from the fact that it is a new thing, but I really had fun. Couldn’t stop laughing and killing those little monsters with my bow. The graphics were plain, but even so, it was really fun. 

Now I can’t stop thinking of when I’ll be able to play RPG games with VR. I’m excited to see this industry grow more, so I could experience games as if they were real. People from America must be really glad to have The Void. And I heard that China also wants to develop it in the near future.  

I think the industries over which VR will have an increasingly greater impact are : video games, movies, advertising and theme parks (like Void) and design. I really hope that industries like healthcare, tourism or education will also start showing interest in it. 

For the time, I am not interested in investing in VR. I’ll wait for it to develop more. The price is a little too big and there are also some problems with motion sickness and overheating. But the biggest problem is that there isn’t enough content. There are few video-games and movies that you can fully experience. While watching at the content, you feel like watching first Star Wars movie. You know it’s fantastic, while you also know that there’s much more to come.   

While trying to remember all the facts Dan told us, I came across this web-site, where you can find out more about the history of VR.

Did you try out VR? Will it change the way we see, explore and feel the world?

Don't forget to follow for more. 


Great read! I've been into VR since Oculus kickstarted their DK1 and have developed with/used each generation since. The progression from that prototype to the current generation was such a huge leap considering that it's been just 5 years. It's insane to think of what this technology will be like in another 5 years.

A couple things to note: The overheating issue is limited to mobile VR and the motion sickness problem has been solved in the hardware and SDK for most people in the latest tethered PC version of the Oculus Rift/HTC Vive. This has been achieved by adding positional tracking and using a low persistence display. With that being said, there are still remaining problems that cause motion sickness but it's a game design issue around locomotion. Humans are designed to move around with their own body, not with a joystick. Their visual systems are also not designed to jump and run in the air at high speeds that you see in many "first person shooter" type games. To solve these issues are up to the game designer. Teleportation works fairly well for moving long distances and using positional tracking and your own body works well for moving in smaller "roomscale" distances.

Looking forward to reading more!

Thank you, @chadyo, for your well documented comment! I didn't develop enough the topic, but yes, the motion sickness can be averted mostly by the game designers. The technology is a relatively new one, that's why we will see more and more developments. I can't even imagine how hard it is to design a game for VR. We just have to wait, see and enjoy the next achievements.

For those interested in VR, my friend Joel signed up to Steemit weeks ago but did not receive much of a response: https://steemit.com/vr/@congregationvr/hi-i-m-the-co-founder-of-the-virtual-reality-company-does-steem-have-a-version-of-ask-me-anything

He's the co-founder of the Virtual Realty Company. I think he was expecting more of a response on his first post, so I haven't heard from him since. If you're into VR, please give him some love. I'd love to see more industry leaders on Steemit.

Ouch. I missed it. Thanks for sharing. :) I think it would have been better received if he made an introductory post. or one more detailed. Tell him to write more, I'm sure his popularity will grow.

I will certainly send him a link to your post here. Maybe that will get his attention! :)

Yeah, many people don't understand this place is about relationships and making connections. It's not just about posting something and expecting a huge payout. And yes, I agree, being actively engaged with an introduceyourself post is the best way to join the community.

Definitely not expecting a huge payout :) Was mostly just checking if the Steemit Community had interest in VR or not since Luke was explaining all the goodness of Steemit but there's not much I can post about besides VR!

Thanks for chiming in. :)

I think it will take a while for the VR community here to grow enough to support a reddit style AMA, but I'm also excited about the possibility of building this community from the ground up. An influencer here now in the early stages can play a huge role in directing the space for the future.

I would love to learn more about VR from an expert and I think many think the same. Please give it a try. :) And thanks for stopping by.

Anyone got advice on what an appropriate introductory post is? Clearly I'm doing it wrong ;)

My advice is to write interesting and important info about yourself. Add some personal believes and hobbies. Prove what you say with photos. Also, many ask for a photo with you holding a sheet on which is written "Steemit" and the date. As an example, not the best one, here's my introductory post: https://steemit.com/introduceyourself/@diana.catherine/new-introduceyourself-post-and-info-about-me-i-still-think-the-founders-are-geniuses

Hey, congrats!! A well deserved and well spent Steemit break!!
Welcome back!

Thank you, andu! Happy to be here again! :D

So glad to see you did well! Keep it up. Now you'll have to do some VR travels lol.

Thank you, @kryptik! lol. Always about traveling. There are many interesting subjects to write about instead of traveling. :D

amazing, hope to try one some day

You should! It's a really entertaining experience . :D

Simulation theory looking more possible every day.

My roommate has a Vive. I have to admit that nothing prepared me for virtual reality. You really don't know how amazing it is until you experience it!

It's pretty amazing alright. There's a multiplayer shooting game (Hover Junkers) that will have you literally out of breath when you play, and with burning leg muscles. I preordered one and had my very own holodeck for a couple of months (sadly in the middle of moving and it's stuck in a box for now :-/ )

Well, you guys make me feel jealous enough. :D I'll also buy an equipment for VR. Can't wait, but I have to. I truly believe it will be better to buy it after an year or such. :D

I would love to have a roommate who has a Vive. :D Great for you!

I am very excited to see the real world everyday implementation of VR. Will change the world in ways we aren't even aware of yet I am sure.

Me too. I'm excited about the future of VR. I just can't wait to see more of it. :D

If you're ever in the Los Angeles area let me know!

Well, if I will have the chance to visit it, I'll surely let you know.

Did you catch Davos 2016? The World Economic Forum a few months ago rolled out these VR headsets, then about a month later they were everywhere. Check the video I made about this awhile ago, the reason for the roll-out of VR headsets is they are setting the stage for what will eventually be the direct neural interface DNI:

Was just about to say this girl is already in the matrix...

You are investing in virtual games or development itself?

Virtual games and videos. Me and my friend considered opening a bar/place for people who don't want or can't buy a VR equipment.

Well done.

Diana, you might consider licensing/franchising the setup from Awesome Rocketship. They've really nailed the "location-based VR" opportunity, which is a pretty challenging but potentially lucrative business. To do it right, one needs to consider:

  • the hardware (Vive, Oculus, Sony, with or without hand controllers, 1 or 2 positional sensors, scale of user experience, etc...);
  • Software for managing the system/business;
  • remote systems mgmt capabilities if you don't want to be there 24/7;
  • playlist creation/curation VERSUS a pure hardware rental scenario;
  • ecommerce integration if going the curation route;
  • also consider the security for paid content;
  • HMD hygiene;
  • IT / maintenance;
  • staffing(?);
  • negotiation with content providers;
    -probably lots of more issues I can't think of.

Yet with all of these challenges, a well run VR salon could become a larger revenue generator than a local movie theater VERY FAST considering the way first-time users consistently react. I hope you do it!

Thank you! This helps a lot! I'll show your comment to my friend and discuss it. When we finally decide to do it, if you don't mind, I'll contact you because your expertise is helpful.

I think that better question is - what should we do to make people more real more closer to the real world

I've noticed that VR can provide people with a much expanded menu of experiences that, once tasted virtually, triggers a new desire to go and experience the real thing. I've shown people parts of the world in VR they previously had no interest it, but then after getting the virtual experience, they added the real thing to their bucket list. It's definitely powerful and we will see all the downsides of escapism and addiction that already exist in this broken world. I'm planning to thoughtfully create amazing experiences that do exactly what you're asking for.

I think the answer for this is to always put a line between virtual and reality. I know these 2 are very easily confused these days... If you look at it this way, VR is a little dangerous.

we are already living in the matrix :D we should start thinking about escaping it! lol

I also thought about this theory. But I deny it for my mental health. :D

yeah! it's complex! :D

How much time is left until we'll be part of a matrix?

What makes you think we're not already there?

Well, I'm not too sure about it myself. But I tend to think that we are not. :)

First off - welcome back! Looks like you had a blast. In a synchronistic way, my friend sent me a link to icaros.net that is building a device that let's you "fly" through the air as you explore the VR world.

Back at the world expo in 1967 in Canada there was a round theatre where the film was shown from a 360 degree perspective like the painting you mentioned. They had to put up railings because during the car chase scene people were falling over. Here's a link cinemaexpo67.ca that describes it.

Interesting info, @masterinvestor! Thank you for sharing! :) And thanks for welcoming me back. :D

My only experience with VR so far is a rollercoaster demo on the rift. I'm dying to try the vive and more advanced games if I can ever afford a headset and a PC to run it on.

The pc is the biggest investment when we talk about VR. I didn't try the rollercoaster, I'm a little afraid of the motion sickness. How was it?

I know it is, but where I live, it's very hard to acquire the Vive as well.

It was awesome. You can't help but move along with the curves and turns. I can't wait to get more exposure to VR.

Oh well, just wait, in the future VR will be more affordable. :D

I think that in 1000 years we will be able to enter the matrix for real :)

Maybe 1000, maybe less... who knows? But let's hope we won't. :)

You guys are a little late to the party. Us people in the video game world already tried this like 10+ years ago with the Nintendo Virtual Boy.

Well, good for you. But if you think like that, Morton Heilig could say the same thing. :D Development is what people want to see and also, more affordable equipment.
Being in the video game industry must be a really entertaining and dynamic job.

Don't have to wait. Because we are already living in one.

You think just like @sauravrungta and @almostfamous, haha. :D I know I'm repeating myself, but I tend to think that we are not. For now.

The implications for VR are staggering. Of course, we will explore it first as entertainment, but think of the advantages in medicine, architecture, engineering, the list goes on.
Well produced story, Love it. keep it up!

You are right. After it's usage for entertainment, probably the ones who will addopt this technology, will be the experts in these domains you mentioned. Thank you for your comment!

@diana.catherine so cool and so happy you made it to the top! :)

Thank you, @steemitqa! You are very nice :D

What a great post! I´m looking forward to your stories!

Thank you, @carfreak! Follow for more. :D

Like always my dear friend you scored! Nothing can make me happier than see you in the top trending list :)
you deserve all of it!

Thank you, @webdeals, for supporting me! Your comments are always very kind. :)

I just got my Oculus couple days ago and my mind has been blown officially. I have become a VR nerd over the past few days. Yes the matrix is real. I cant wait to see where this tech takes us in the next 5-10 years. It will be insane.

It would be awesome if you made a review, and you could also include a video with you playing a game. :D I feel you, I would definitely become a VR nerd too.

Maybe we're already in the matrix

I tried VR for the first time last week. What an awesome experience it was!

I bet it was. Never met someone who didn't enjoy the experience. :D

i'm just waiting for my first VR gear, seems interesting 8]

cool post i like it thanks for the information about virtual reality i will check the website ,i upvote you ,
i would like to know how to add pictures and videos in the posts any ideas ?
thanks for your reply

Here's a link to help you learn how to add images. https://steemit.com/steemit/@ace108/how-to-include-image-in-your-post-reference-to-using-steeming-com-in-include-pictures-your-post
As for the youtube links, you just copy/paste the link into your article.

Love to be invited too.