
Yeah, if you gear it towards how people might protect themselves from spying(like what hardware/software/encryption they could ), or detail how the government is spying on you via facebook/google/smartphones/whatever would count also.

Or like how cryptocurrency is a good thing to invest in because the US Government prints endless amounts of money via the FED(Which also never is audited and is all smoke and mirrors).

If you wanted to take a quick look at the Our Purpose post or browse through the trending section of #informationwar it might make more sense.


I'm sorry, I lol'd that you changed the tag to "notinformationwar"

Are Macs less likely to be hacked for all those nefarious purposes, than PCs? I seem to dimly recall somebody saying that once upon a time. I can't imagine ours would be attractive for anything like crypto mining because our wifi is so sloooooooow and as a result the computer is too. Either that or somebody is mining crypto because dang this thing is poky :)))

I am a pretty high end smart ass, so.. you know.l.

Mac security is generally better than pc security, I would guess, but I still don't like it. Jobs/Cook were/are not my favorite people, and their approach (sell overpriced hardware with shiny on it) is not the most customer friendly.

I had a Macbook Pro for a lot of years and it was a great machine .. I fully understand the appeal. They're just part of the bad guys team, so not an option!