
Indeed, i'm curious what's going to come next. The OpenAI team said that they'll be back next year when their bot will be able to play a standard 5v5 match.

Yes, can't wait to see that happen... It's pretty obvious now that AI is getting ready to take over many aspects of daily life. I'm glad OpenAI is focused towards helping AI to be a rather benevolent force. And like all technologies, it can be used for good or bad. It's up to us how we will deal with it.

No doubt that politicians who keep shouting for more jobs are lagging hard. We need a paradigm shift, how to anticipate the workforce being replaced by AI?

I think although AI is going to replace a number of jobs, there will be many new jobs in AI development and similar fields in the future.

Some countries are already trying universal income, preparing for a possible future where machines do the necessary work and people can do whatever they're interested in and not have to worry about money.