It is a worldwide discussion in the main universities and the European Union: should the development of AI be allowed at a global level, with the risk that it could displace and dominate man?

It is already a worldwide discussion in the main universities and states of the European Union: should the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) be allowed worldwide, with the risk that it can displace and dominate man?
The nightmare that raised the film Terminator 34 years ago, with Arnold Schwarzenegger as protagonist, is now a reality and humanity as always seeks to develop general artificial intelligence to lower production costs and thus generate more income.
In a note published in the Spanish newspaper El País, Max Tegmark, director of Future of Life Institute, believes that within several decades Artificial Intelligence may present opportunities to improve human life, but that it could also present risks such as the fact that This type of intelligence is not interested in preserving the survival of humanity and does not understand the importance of caring for human bodies if they can be replaced by metal elements.
A sample of this dilemma is the cell phone industry, which, in one way or another, has overwhelmed our lives and has managed to create a great dependence on this technology and the electronic equipment that today solves our daily life. little by little they are dictating what to do, where to go or predict our immediate future.
Suffice it to recall that before he died, Stephen Hawking made three warnings to humanity, one of them was precisely about the risk of artificial intelligence: "Computers can, in theory, emulate human intelligence and even exceed it, underlining that our intellectual capacity It is limited. The successful creation of an effective AI could be the biggest event in the history of our civilization. Or the worst. We just do not know. Therefore, we can not know if we will be infinitely assisted by AI or if we will be ignored and marginalized, or possibly destroyed by it.
The technology is developing so quickly that we have not realized that we have before us that great world discussion, and, as it was raised in the movie Terminator, a simple business decision can turn it around 180 degrees and change the future of humanity to be dominated by technology, to the extent that their lives depend on decisions of machines with a superior intelligence created by men themselves.
Tegmark, believes that AI developers are idealists, the problem is the true interests of the companies that sponsor them and seek to generate greater profits despite the risk that this technology may displace the human.
Another big problem mentioned by the scientist is the fact that, together with technological development for industry or health, there is always the issue of control and management of weapons through AI, which implies a great risk that this item exceeds the decisions of the human. This discussion is currently taking place in Europe.
The nightmare posed by Schwarzenegger's film is a reality and its development is on the tables of world discussion. In this regard, Max Tegmark asks humanity to join the conversation.
Although in our country the issue still seems very distant, each one of us must think about which side we are and what we think about the development of the AI.
Very interesting stuff ,good research and soon elon musk will sell the euralink that will be implanted into our brains. We will be able to dowload or upload directly from our PC imagen the possibilities!
It is a reality that we can not stop the technology advances day by day without delays, excellent comment friend