Nowadays, it seems that everyone needs a smartphone, because a person's whole life revolves around this device so brilliantly created by the best minds of our generation. My concern about this comes from observing the behavior of other people in relation to the use they give to these useful devices.
My concern comes from an observation of the behavior of other people, and not mine, mainly because I make little or no use of these devices, my phone is a compact and uniform black piece, with a tiny screen and even smaller keys, which is virtually indestructible.

The device allows me to make phone calls, receive text messages, although for some strange reason it does not allow me to send messages, it gives me the time, it has a calendar that tells me the day of the week and the month, it allows me to play the Snake game, in addition to owning a flashlight. Wow, state-of-the-art technology!
It would be understandable that I had a phone like this if I was a sexagenarian lady, but no, it's not the case, I'm relatively young, just a few years above twenty. But even so, I have voluntarily decided not to participate in the prevailing telephone culture. Actually, I have never assimilated the use of a mobile device, and usually when I leave home I forget mine on the bedside table. For me, cell phone addiction does not make any sense, I don't say that people don't have their reasons to stay constantly connected to them, but I personally don't have that motivation.
I remember a couple of years ago, when I was studying in a catholic institution, it was not allowed to bring phones, that resulted in the students getting to know each other much better, in fact, I got to know those people with whom I studied just one year better than those with which I had studied throughout high school, where phone use was allowed, and I like to emphasize this, because I feel that cell phones take people's minds away. In addition, it is amazing to see how academic performance increases by removing this type of distraction.

Not using a cell phone also allowed me to be more efficient and make much better use of my time, both at university and at work. Although it is true that sometimes I envied a little the colleagues who used their phones to record Roman Law classes.

Most of the people I can visualize, are practically slaves of their interaction with cell phones, to the point that if for some reason they cannot have it, their patience and anxiety can be greatly compromised. This is quite serious, because when a person's health and moods are highly dependent on a mobile device, we can speak of a very dangerous level of addiction and dependence, because it compromises the well-being of the person.
The term means no-mobile-phone phobia, which despite not being recognized by the World Health Organization as an addiction, seems to have effects on some of the members of our society. According to an investigation, the levels of stress and nerves of these people are comparable to those suffered by someone the day before the wedding, or the day of the visit to the dentist. Come on guys, let's face it, what kind of phobia is this? it seems another absurd excuse to medicate people. But if something tells us this, is that the dependence of us towards any type of electronic devices is increasing alarmingly.
We are constantly being bombarded by a flow of information that is mostly useless and superfluous through these electronic devices, of which we are increasingly dependent. Children from a very young age are already interacting with these devices, I have seen children cry because they don't have their ipad at hand, or because their parents don't want to give them their cell phone.

It is true that technology is good, but nothing is good in its entirety, everything has a relatively bad side too, the point is to find the balance between the utility that this technology can have and the artificial dependence that may exist with respect to it.
Changing phones every year is not something that is really necessary, and I don't say that you don't do it if you have the capacity to do so, but I would not recommend forcing yourself to update electronic devices every time, and each occasion, according to each of the updates made by the market, since that makes us consumers without decision power, because in a market in which consumers buy, by artificial necessity, everything that the technology companies sell, it transfers the power to decide the course of things, which consumers originally have, to companies.
If the seller is the one who really decides what the changes are going to be, at what price the product will be sold and purchased, and all the other important decisions, only allowing the customer to decide between a white or black device, and all this simply because users have an artificial need for a product that does not really have that value, the consumer, client and user has simply lost all the benefits offered by an open and free market economy, that is, he gives his freedom of voluntary form.
Nowadays that happens to all of us, not only with mobile devices, but also TV, computers, videogame consoles, and many other electronic devices. This is possibly the biggest sign that we live in a digital age. What differentiates us mainly from past civilizations is definitely the use of electronic components. However, if something shows us the story, it is that each past civilization sees its fall in the heyday, something similar to the Pax Romana, many describe that period as a time of progress and development, but that later became the point in which Rome began to descend. We have also seen the advance of technology, and how it drives society to levels of wealth never before known, but it may be that when we reach our peak as a civilization, we will see later the fall due to the artificial dependency we are creating about these technological devices.
I believe that is how the deep state stays in control: overload everyone with so much information such that nobody knows what's going in anymore.
Remember, most of the big Silicon Valley tech companies have deep ties to the US intelligence apparatus.
That's right, there's a lot of information that really misleads people, some people decide to let go of everything precisely because of that. And yes, it is true, google, facebook or apple and many other companies, provide information to the intelligence. I hope the Blockchain can change some things about that.
Dhammapada: Verse 72. The Knowledge Of The Wicked Splits His Head
Truly to his detriment
skill is born to the fool;
ruined is his better nature
and scattered are his wits.
Explanation: Whatever is learned by the ignorant is conducive to harm. It brings about his own downfall. Misplaced learning destroys whatever potential the learner possesses and renders him useless in terms of real knowledge.
Basically Millennials+Smartphones is as terrible as a monkey with a switchblade.
Just like money, Technology enhance what's in human. Most dumb idiots who are dependent and never stand up for themselves gets their lives ruined.
Exactly, I couldn't have said it better.
Yup, its sad to see a family at dinner all on their devices. and forget about trying to teach school, tommy lee and Pam could be going at it in the front of the classroom and it would be less interesting to them than that which is on their phones. Since you can choose to look at whatever interests you most on your phone anything not on your phone is less interesting. I avoided getting a smart phone as long as I could but they shut down the 2g network I was using. It is handy to have a computer in your pocket but also has the potential of destroying your relationships and life. Probably distracted drivers are killing more people than people with guns but the smart phone industry spends a lot of money advertising on the news.
I only can agree with you. Not only with the fact that small children already cry about not having an ipad but also that this is an addiction. I noticed it on myself as well. A day without a smartphone is unthinkable for me right now and this scares me! Everytime I lost my phone or broke it I felt so lonely and empty and this is not how it should be!!! In the end it's only a piece of metal which should help us and not control us... Well I think I have to start again with some days trying to "survive" without my phone ^^ Thank you for this amazing post!!
I am not sure if it's fear or apathy but there is certainly something that is making people not wanting to get to know each other. I am not talking about deeper connection. I am saying that a few years ago two strangers could meet, say in a bus and talk just for the sake of interacting. Now not all that much.
Sometimes I think that people use technology to avoid interacting with whats around them. I mean what's the worse that could happen - You get to know the person sitting next to you.
Exactly, I didn't say that in the publication, thank you for mentioning it. Something that I have been able to gain by not using a phone, is precisely the ability to talk to people on the street, generally they are people with an advanced age, but they also have good things to say.
Glad to be able add something meaningful to the discussion.
Another thing that happens when you don't have your head buried in a phone is that people willing to take the chance to talk to a stranger can actually approach you. I find this very useful in the sense that people who are just shy are able to take a chance on you for a few good words.
I think this is just part of human evolution, it has become apparent we will eventually merge with technology in some capacity. Whether it is wrong or right is open to individual beliefs but personally I think "it is what it is".
Correct, it is part of human evolution, but all evolution does not mean progress, the problem is not technology, it is the artificial dependence that some people give to technology.
la tecnologia no genera dependencia digital. no es la tecnologia en si, la tecnologia no es un ser o ente metafisicamente personificado. no tiene vida propia como tal. solo es una resultado de la creatividad humana, de las fuerzas productivas. que la tecnologia movil ha llegado hasta la esfera del mercado no se debe a la tecnologia en si, sino mas bien que todo ese problema se reduce a la forma social o la cohesion politico-social del dispositivo movil. Pues "la ciencia no tiene culpa de las decisiones y resultados politico-sociales de Los bombardeos a Hiroshima y Nagasaki".
Nunca he intentado decir eso, evidentemente hay que adentrase en el contexto, los objetos por sí mismos no pueden ser un problema. La cuestión que planteo, es que hay personas que se vuelven artificialmente dependientes a estos dispositivos, debido a que primero los adaptan a su vida para facilitar las cosas, pero luego se convierte en algo primordial, y las otras cosas pasan a ser algo secundario. En la actualidad hay niños que son increíblemente adictos a estos dispositivos, y que su vida depende mucho más que las nuestras de la tecnología. Me refiero a que hay una generación que nace y crece sabiendo interactuar exclusivamente mediante este tipo de tecnología, y eso los hace artificialmente dependientes. Te pongo un ejemplo claro, cuando yo trabajaba en PDVSA, noté que todas las operaciones de la empresa se realizaban mediante software y mecanismos electrónicos, pero cuando hubo el paro petrolero, y mucha gente fue despedida, las personas nuevas que contrataron en la empresa no sabían nada acerca de la tecnología implementada, entonces, tenías contadores que no podían ver los libros contables, pues estos no se llevaban en libros de contabilidad, sino a nivel de sistema, eso provocó una enorme cantidad de problemas, que debido a la ineptitud para adaptarse a la tecnología, persiste hasta la actualidad. Entonces, ni te imaginaras la cantidad de problemas a nivel operacional y administrativo que se generaron porque la empresa depende artificialmente de sistemas. Evidentemente este es un caso particular, pero muestra claramente como todo puede fallar si hay un problema con los sistemas. Dime, qué pasaría si la red de los bancos colapsara y se perdieran los datos de las cuentas bancarias de las personas, sería la hecatombe.
Entiendo, disculpa por no leer con mayor detenimiento tu articulo.Hice un a lectura apresurada (tengo esa mala costumbre). pero estoy de acuerdo contigo. Ah, en el caso de PDVSA yo creo que el problema esta no solo en el grado dependencia de los trabajadores sino mas que bien que los trabajadores no tienen la preparacion intelectual para adaptarse a las exigencias tecnologicas de su contexto u que simplemente no les agrade adaptarse a los cambios tecnologicos que exige su puesto de trabajo. el asunto se complica aun mas cuando se convierte en sistematico y sucederia lo que tu dices, la hecatombe.
I think the worse are social media like facebook or... steemit :)
All right, let it be a social media on smartphone :)