As is the case with most fundamental issues of scientific debate, one can’t rely on any government, or officially sanctioned organization, to discover the objective scientific facts concerning 5G wireless technology. Independent research studies, conducted by scientists, doctors, and researchers of integrity, are the only sources that illuminate the truth of 5G. In this article, I’ve curated a collection of some of the key reports and video testimonies, that lay bare the dark and surreal underlying reality of 5G.
By: Thomas F. McFarlan
Originally published on in June of 2019
Featured image collage by Thomas McFarlan, with photography from Image Bank used here with a RF image license.
The planned roll-out of the latest iteration of wireless communication technology, known as “5G”, would not only add a significant amount of additional radio frequency radiation to our living environments, it would add literally 10 to 100+ times more radio frequency radiation to our living environments... Additionally, one would be exposed to the 5G radiation in an omnipresent manner, 24 hours a day 7 days a week, even if one chose to avoid using any kind of cell phone or wifi network, and relied only on wired ethernet computer network connections, and traditional wired phone lines. As if that wasn’t bad enough, localities that have the 5G network installed are expected to see a significant drop in the value of their homes and properties. The same leadership at the FCC, who voted in 2018 to take away Americans’ rights to a censorship free internet, equal rights to the bandwidth available on the internet, and a reasonable pricing structure for internet connection service; are now telling us that the massively expanded, and omnipresent, radiation from the 5G wireless network, will not have any negative health effects whatsoever… Does this make any sense? It’s a known fact that commercially deployed radio frequency radiation is dangerous — including the radiation we’re already exposed to with the 4G wireless signal, and have been exposed to in previous years with 3G and 2G radiation. In fact, since the mid 1990s thousands of independent scientists and physicians, from around the globe, have stated that this kind of radio frequency radiation is extremely dangerous, and have called for the halt to the expansion of wireless technology, in dozens of petitions and appeals — including the 2012 Freiburger Appeal signed by over 3,000 physicians. When the FCC has been asked, if they’ve tested the 5G wireless signal for its health effects, they’ve responded that they’ve never tested the 5G wireless signal for health effects in any way… The only studies the FCC cites are decades old studies of initial tests, done on very early iterations of commercially deployed radio frequency radiation, that only tested for surface level thermal effects, not the specific area of most concern about this technology, its electromagnetic biological effects.
There is an unseen delicate balance of organic life-force energy that permeates, powers, and imbues intelligence to, humans, earth, and all things and phenomena on it. The explosion of global and wireless communication networks, driven by radio frequency radiation, has significantly disrupted the flow of organic life-force energy that humans, earth itself, and all things and phenomena depend on… The proposed deployment of 5G wireless networks, would radically expand the currently significant degradation of organic life-force energy, imbued within all of existence, and cause unimaginable harm to human health, the healthy functioning of all things and phenomena, and earth itself.
One of the more gut wrenching recent news reports, of the damage done by our current exposure to 4G wireless radiation — and remember this is radiation that is 10 to 100+ times less harmful than 5G — made a rare appearance in a traditional news report on CBS News, which is embedded in the video link below.
Norah O’Donnell, Gayle King, John Dickerson, and Bianna Golodryga; CBS This Morning: After several childhood cancer cases at one school, parents question cell tower radiation; CBS News; April 4th 2019; Original source link above
As disturbing as the demonstrated real world effects, of our current exposure to radio frequency radiation are — as evidenced in the broadcast news report above — notice that the official institutions and traditional healthcare providers that answered safety questions in this news report, offer up cold and vague responses, that rely entirely on official government set limits on radio frequency radiation levels. As I’ve stated previously, these official set limits are based on decades old studies of initial tests, done on very early iterations of commercially deployed radio frequency radiation, that only tested for surface level thermal effects, not the specific area of most concern about this technology, its electromagnetic biological effects, that can cause cancer and a multitude of other horrific illnesses. Is it plausible that the individuals that staff these official institutions, and many traditional healthcare providers, have somehow come down with an unprecedented mental disorder, that prevents them from utilizing fundamental critical thinking skills, to discern the reality that their statements giving this radiation exposure a passing grade, are based on completely irrelevant research? Is it not blatantly obvious that these institutions, and traditional medical professionals, are simply being forced to parrot the ridiculously fraudulent information they present — by power-holders in high places — then hiding behind the impervious monolith status, of the official institutions they’re associated with and credential them? We’ve seen this song and dance, then duck and cover routine before haven’t we… The historic deception of the public at large, about the safety of tobacco use is probably the most comparable public health issue, to the current radio frequency radiation issue, but we see this same deception routine over and over again on all manner of issues… From the fraudulent official narrative of the John F. Kennedy assassination, to the fraudulent official narrative regarding the safety of 21st century vaccinations, to the fraudulent official narrative regarding the 9/11 attacks in New York city, to the fraudulent official narrative regarding the best practices to treat cancer, to the fraudulent official narrative regarding the basis to go to war with Iraq, it’s the same fundamental song and dance, then duck and cover routine that’s used to deceive, each and every time… So is the public at large going to continue to be deceived by the same old pattern, or are we going to come to our senses, and realize that official channels of information are significantly faulty at best, and there is a long historical pattern of official channels of information, being used to deceive, then victimize, the public at large.
Highly educated and independent scientists, doctors, and highly qualified researchers — who answer to no one other than their own private patients and personal sense of what is just — have historically been on the right side of history on issue after issue. It’s clear on the topic of the safety of radio frequency radiation, independent scientists and doctors have again put together incontrovertible presentations so air tight, that official channels of information won’t even acknowledge the existence of this research, much less submit their research to a public head-to-head comparison, with the independent research… Below I’ve compiled key independent and objective scientific research, on the effects of 5G radio frequency radiation, that incontrovertibly prove that this radiation will have unprecedented, and utterly disastrous, effects on human health, as well as, the healthy functioning of earth, and all things and phenomena on it.
Below is an embedded linked video of Dr. Sharon Goldberg, a medical doctor and activist who has done extensive research into radio frequency radiation, speaking to the Michigan state legislature on October 4th 2018. Michigan is one of the states that is leading the effort, to stop the roll-out of 5G radiation in the U.S.
The Michigan Legislature, Michigan House TV, The State of Michigan, October 4th 2018, No original source link is available at this time.
Below is an embedded linked video of Dr. Paul Heroux, a medical doctor and activist who has done extensive research into radio frequency radiation, speaking to the Michigan state legislature on October 4th 2018.
The Michigan Legislature, Michigan House TV, The State of Michigan, October 4th 2018, No original source link is available at this time.
Below is an embedded linked video of Senator Patrick Colbeck, a Michigan state Senator and technology enthusiast, who has done extensive research into radio frequency radiation, speaking to the Michigan state legislature on May 29, 2018.
The Michigan Legislature, Michigan House TV, The State of Michigan, May 29th 2018, No original source link is available at this time.
Here is a link to the “Emergency International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and Space” website, that thousands of doctors and scientists, as well as, tens of thousands of concerned citizens from around the world have signed. This link will take you right to the appeal statement, that gives a thoroughly comprehensive explanation, of why 5G radiation is so dangerous. This detailed statement, backed up by thousands of doctors’ and scientists’ endorsement and signature, in and of itself, provides all the incontrovertible proof one needs to understand that, 5G radio frequency radiation is extremely dangerous, in an unprecedented extreme. Please sign this appeal while you’re at the site too, and consider a generous donation to their efforts.
Here is a link to the “BioInitiative Report”, that has been prepared by 29 authors from ten countries, ten holding medical degrees (MDs), 21 PhDs, and three MsC, MA or MPHs. Among the authors are three former presidents of the Bioelectromagnetics Society, and five full members of BEMS. This is basically a college course-like report, that is exhaustively comprehensive, technical, and thorough. If you have the time and inclination to delve into this report, it will provide an extremely detailed, comprehensive, and technical explanation of why 5G radio frequency radiation is so dangerous.
Below is an embedded linked video to a news feature titled “The 5G Dragnet”, by the Corbett Report. This video report focuses not so much on the straightforward negative physical health effects of 5G, but the radically expanded surveillance powers that 5G will grant governments, and therefore, the deep-state power-holders that significantly control all governments.
James Corbett, The 5G Dragnet, The Corbett Report, June 21st 2019, Original source link above.
Clearly it isn’t an exaggeration to say, that the planned roll-out of 5G in the U.S., and in fact the entire world, represents an emergency for humanity. While the honest citizens of the world, haven’t historically been able to chalk up many victories, when pitted against monolithic government organizations and corporations, the 5G issue has riled unprecedented support from long-time activists, and those completely new to activism alike. Even the widely supported political fight to save net neutrality, didn’t enjoy the level of support the stop 5g movement has garnered. Many people are taking a serious stand on an issue for the very first time, because the stakes are just too high with the 5G issue, to surrender it. In fact, dozens of localities across the U.S., have rallied such strong public support to stop the roll-out of 5G, that their local governments, and in some cases state governments, have filed a class action lawsuit against the FCC to stop their forced deployment of 5G. If this trend of unprecedented public support continues and expands, the people of the U.S. and the world, will most likely succeed in completely stopping the roll-out of 5G, or limit its roll-out to just a few locations. This said, it will take a serious and sustained activism effort, on the part of the public, to halt the FCC’s plans to steamroll 5G over America and the world. It won’t be enough to simply sign the Emergency Appeal Petition to stop 5G, make a donation, email and call your local political representative once or twice, and call it a day. Activists working on the 5G issue need to make these efforts, in conjunction with writing paper letters to their political representatives, attending in-person demonstrations against 5G, flyering their local neighborhoods with anti-5g pamphlets, and educating their family and friends about the reality of 5G — moreover, each activist needs to take all these actions consistently over the long haul, until the 5G issue is put to bed. To find the names and contact information for your local, state, and federal political representatives, visit For an excellent overview of actions to take to stop 5G, visit The Millennium Report’s website guide to anti-5G activism actions linked to below.
For those seeking to go even further with their anti-5G activism, the journalist Max Igan produced the video news feature embedded below, with Lawyer Ray Broomhall, that outlines a legal procedure that engages local medical doctors to write medical opinions, that are then used as legal leverage to halt the deployment of 5G, in each locality this legal procedure is applied.
Max Igan, How to Take Action Against 5G — Max Igan In Conversation With Ray Broomhall, The Crowhouse, May 24th 2019, Original source link above.
Stopping the deployment of 5G needs to be a top priority for all activists, and the issue that awakens many in the sleeping public, to not only the underlying reality of 5G and radio frequency radiation, but all the overarching systemic corruption that has been raging out of control, since the events of September 11th in New York city. As of June 2019, there is absolutely no time to waste in getting started with anti-5G activism, we are currently passing through a critical time window where it’s still possible to stop the deployment of this disastrous technology. We must move quickly, take action steps now, and then consistently in the months and years to come, until we’ve completely defeated the deployment of 5G.
Please Support My Efforts… My journalism is unpaid public service work, and I’m subject to organized stalking crimes that have left my finances in ruins… If you would like to support my journalism with a donation, this would be very much appreciated, and will help allow me to focus my time on continuing to expose deep-state crimes against humanity. You can make a donation to me via PayPal at this link.
Please also aggressively share my journalism online, as well as, the journalism of Ramola D, and other genuine truth journalists as much as you can. Be vocal online, and in your local communities, about the reality of organized stalking, 9/11, and other deep-state crimes. Finally, flyer your local area with the custom organized stalking and 9/11 truth flyer I designed. You can download a high resolution version of the flyer here, that will print on a standard 8.5x11 page in black and white.
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