It was announced yesterday 50M accounts were compromised with the ability for the hacker to take over accounts.
According to Facebook, if your account was compromised you were logged out immediately and notified. I have my doubts that all of them were notified or even properly identified. But this was the last straw for me, I rarely ever use Facebook and my only interest in Facebook is 3D printing groups, maker groups, and occasionally sharing stuff with family and friends.
Your account is scheduled for permanent deletion.
Facebook will start deleting your account in 14 days. After Oct 13, 2018, you won't be able to access the account or any of the content you added.
To cancel the deletion of your account and retrieve any of the content or information you have added, go to Facebook.
For what little I use it, I just don't see the point of taking the risks with my security or privacy. Recent reports have confirmed Facebook has been using two-factor authentication details to sell your phone number to advertisers as well as using shadow contacts.
Shadow contacts are when your friend uploads their contact list (usually with the mobile app without your permission) and your account is linked through association to identify your phone number.
I have noticed my unlisted phone number gets a ton of telemarketer calls in spurts. I won't get any calls and then I'll get 5+ a day for a week or two, then it dies down. I'm starting to think it was likely Facebook that is responsible for this happening.
If you want more information about them giving over phone number and shadow contacts, here is a decent post from Gizmodo.
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Never joined this one since I have no friends, a blessing in disguise. Truly scummiest of them all.
Facebook actually deleted my account for me a while back. Now I'm thankful.
About time they did something useful eh?
I guess. They never gave me a reason. Though I had received several warnings for hate speech. So I guess that's it.
hate speech :) it's such a funny word. hate speech = anything someone doesn't agree with on facebook
The definition on Google for hate is "feel intense dislike" so I guess you can call it dislike speech haha. What a fucked up world when you can't dislike something. A system rotten to the core. Well.. seems like it's starting to break apart!
Did you imply that you supported a more reasonable immigration policy, or did you indicate that maybe four year olds shouldn't be given hormones for their gender disphoria.
Be glad about that ^.^
I deleted both Instagram and Facebook from my phone. Currently I'm serving a 30 day ban for my conservative viewpoints.
But as soon as I can I'm "deleting" My account there too.
Posted using Partiko Android
Instagram is coming next, I just haven't backed it up, been planning on deleting for like a year as well.
Wow... nuts. I honestly just use it to share my steem stuff. I would hate to delete it. They make it so hard for you to let go. Even when your not that involved with it. Seriously. I just share my steemit post there. Now I do use Instagram
Posted using Partiko Android
I was away from Facebook for 3 years. Opened account to see what is up. Literally nothing had changed hahahaha
Since I'm banned from Facebook I'm also locked out from Instagram. There's no need for me there anyway.
I'm not a fitness guru and not pretty enough to post there.
Posted using Partiko Android
I deleted my FB account a few days before the hack. Now I’m thinking of deleting my instagram. That’s going to be a hard one for me. I love sharing photos... but in the long run it’s probably best to move on.
Not sure if you care, but you can download an archive of your content before you lose it forever.
I converted a personal page to an artist page back in 2012, and it was essentially the same thing as deleting my account. It was pretty dramatic — every comment I’d ever made, every reply, every photo I’d ever posted...just disappeared. So comment threads no longer made sense, and folks who’d been using my tagged photos as their profile images suddenly had no profile pic. You get the picture. 6 years of interaction just...poof — erased.
Not to discourage you, in any way, but — if you have friends or relatives who still engage with FB, you might want to at least warn them. I know a whoooole bunch of people took it personally, thinking I’d simply unfriended them.
I downloaded my Facebook data almost a year ago because I have been considering this for a long time. I haven't really made any changes since then so the backup is still valid.
It's been so long since I did anything on Facebook no one likely would notice.
I have a really small circle. So nobody that I value will miss me from Facebook.
Posted using Partiko Android
Oh, and the best part of everything is when people think you're some kind of weirdo for not being on facebook. Because not wanting to spend 4 hours a day sucking up memes, propaganda and plebian garbage is a sure sign of a flawed character.
Posted using Partiko Android
Let me guess the Russian were behind it ;)
Never joined and very happy I was one of the odd ones out. I am sure they are doing so many things with all the information and it will come out eventually.
Yeah, I actually had my account disabled without explanation. My best guess is it was because I gave a false birthday and had my location set to anarctica. Bad enough they had my real name.
And a few weeks ago I started getting angry calls from people demanding that I stop calling them. Apparently someone hijacked my # and was using it to phone-spam people. Didn't suspect that they got my # from facebook until I read your post.
I hope they get hacked again. And again. I wish the worst upon that company. And not for the reasons listed above, but because they're ruining the internet and because they're making everyone even more stupid than they started out.
Facebook just has access to so much data, is crazy. Glad there are social websites like Steemit, which are way more secure.
Nice post!
I was one Facebook addict. Steemit really made forgot fb. Due to that fact , I haven't been logging or if I login, I logout immediately. So I can't really tell if my account automatically logged out yesterday or not 😙
same as you brow.. great.
Posted using Partiko Android
You should have done it some time ago, luckily I deleted my account with the GDPR introduction so I might or might not have been hacked lol I am also trying to stop using google services (switched over to Brave and DuckDuckGo)
I’m taking baby steps but I’m working on my privacy if there is any anymore
They asked us to enter account security information to secure facebook personal. But it still happens, the account is hacked and everything is bad.
Crap and I am busy building a online social wallet, this is a big concern for anyone joining a social network.
I would love feedback please, here is my post:
PS i might be in over my head! All constructive critism welcome!
50M (if that is the truthful number which I doubt it is) out of 2B is not too bad.
By the way, how many STEEM accounts compromised over the same period?
My guess is zero.
Hi sir, How to delete a account the facebook...
I’m seriously thinking about it as well given the continued disasters they have related to privacy and security concerns. I have limited its use just for people in my family to reach me and some old friends but I hardly use it at all. I have never provided much information there and will do so even less now. I am close to deleting but not there yet...
Well done!
cabe destacar que tanto los sistemas informaticas como las paginas web por mas seguras que se consideren siempre existiran vulnerabilidades que permitan obtener a los hackers informacion personal y en este caso facebook deberia tomar las medidas necesarias para que los datos personales de sus usuarios esten al 100% seguros
Wow. That's insane. I barely use fb but now I am done. Thanks.
Posted using Partiko Android
I was thinking the same but plan to use FB to on board them to the steem blockchain. They already got all my info 😔🤷🏼♂️😂
Yeah that's where I landed too. At least for now.
No more personal stuffs on any platform on social media please!!Time to change:-)
This is the best time to get everything off of your lame stream social medias and re-post it onto Steem, then delete the centralized versions. Deleted mine a long time ago.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Facebook is being creepy these days with all new updates and updates .
Deleted mine 3 or 4 years ago after they admitted to running psychological experiments to try and influence peoples moods negativley. I haven't looked back since. Fuck facebook!
Well said buddy, I havent deleted yet as I do have many friends there, but I do not use it anymore. It looks like prehistoric times comparing to steemit.
Posted using Partiko Android
I've never really been a facebook drama person. IDK why people get so wrapped up in it. I mostly use Facebook to post pics of my family and things im doing.
Posted using Partiko iOS
Facebook is total garbage anymore and crazy toxis it honestly brings out the worst in 90% of their userbase.
I went to delete it myself a few weeks back but ended up finding out I had a number of accounts I use elsewhere for facebook logins so ended up keeping it. But did remove any and all other information possible such as birthday etc.
Still it seems like today I had a few login attempts to some accounts linked to the facebook email address so I am sure I was one of those 50m.
I have been wanting to delete my account for quite a while too. Maybe now is the time.
Posted using Partiko Android
I deleted mine more than a year ago too, for similar reasons.
Now I have a new fb account without any contact and no publications, only for searching the buy/sell groups.
Deleted my FB account months ago, and I don't miss it one bit. The only thing positive about it, was that most of the extended Fam was on there so it was an easy way to stay in the loop... but other than that nothing but lots of people being fake for "likes", opinions I don't care about, and Ads I don't want to see!
I also hate when someone is stealing our data and using our information for their own interest. Thanks by the way for baing active in discord servers and for writing so much interesting post. I just voted for you as a witness, I wish you all the best. ☺
Facebook is still important for family affairs and online socializing.
I’m getting annoyed with Facebook ads, they’re just everywhere. From news feed to messenger. Tsk. If only my tattoo clients have steemit accounts ☺️
Posted using Partiko iOS
I don't use Facebook much, but if I have my account linked to my contacts and other social networks, how do i know if my user was affected, if I don't have any facebook notification?
por eso mismo no me gusta facebook siempre presenti que algo raro pasaria con facebook de hecho ya habia visto informes en las que decian que facebook compartia las identidades y todo relacionado de ti.
es decir nada era privado.
for that reason I do not like facebook always presenti that something strange would happen with facebook in fact I had already seen reports in which they said that facebook shared the identities and everything related to you.
that is, nothing was private.
Great to see fakebook going down - zionist scum...
Not that deleting your account will ever delete your stored data, but they are like a festering wound it's good to heal from.
Facebook and LinkedIn are viruses. I won't login to my Facebook shell accounts from any mobile device connected to the cellular network because it tries to steal people's phone numbers.
Also I have never put my real birthday onto that virus platform. I have been saying this stuff for 3 years and people just thought I was a psychopath in training for bringing this stuff up.
Well, that just sucks. I read a little blurb about it last night, but I didn't get a notification to log out. Wait, that's because I don't have an account. They said you had to have a name to sign up, but I don't have one. I said that was discrimination against the unnamed, but they didn't care. I guess it works out for the best. :)
facebook without a doubt deleted my account for me a while lower back. Now i am grateful.
They're welcome to take over my account. I've got some epic pics from the autoshow there. About ten years ago.
There's no privacy these days! And nothing is Saint, untouchable.
how i get safe mobile phone?
I lust for the day that two blank Facebook accounts stop coming up in the search results when I google my full name.....
bonjour, la règle est sert toi du système sans qu'il se serve de toi,cela te permettra de ne pas être simple utilisateur et comprendre les rouages en second plant,gardez vos compte mais contrôler vos post pour être servi sans servir,et revoyez vos infos personnel de base.
What I think about facebook!😝

Facebook is no more will die slowly because people are now more cautious about their data, after the disclose of Facebook data practice with Cambridge analytica.
We have already spilled lot of our private info on the floor of the big giants like google and FB. I have heard that google has not deleted a single bit of search that we have done till date, just imagine how much of our information are in their hands. Facebook too failed in securing its users' data and that is a big threat to everyone's privacy. Google even spies through our microphones in our mobile phones and laptops. God save the world. Amen!
@themarkymark represent
I have long considered getting rid of my FB account but i have held off due to friends and family which i have no other way of communicating with, what the heck i might as well get rid of it now that my thoughts are there.