6 Futuristic passwords and bio-metric sensors which exist in present world😱😵

in #technology7 years ago

1.Vein matching 

      This technique uses your vein patterns in your body as a password. Isn’t it cool, the human body has different patterns of vein in them, so it is difficult to replicate them when compared to fingerprint sensor. This technique uses infrared radiation and stores the image of the veins as seen in the picture.  

2. Brain wave technique  

      This technique uses your brain waves as a password, when a seen (Tiger) or scenario is shown to a person he develops a thought for that image, there are different brain waves generated for different people, these brain waves are noted down and used as a password.   

3.Heart rhythm scanner  

      The rhythm of the heart is considered as a password. Now a days we get bands which can be tied to the hand and hence it detects the rhythm of our heart beat, by this technique as password is generated for different people, hence this is also a technique used in present day.    

4.Gait analysis  

    Most of us would have seen this technique in mission impossible movie, where the movement of the body is taken into consideration, replication the walking style or the hand swing is nearly impossible because the system which is recording the movement secures information on each and every intricate posture of movement and thus this is used in highly secure environment. 

5.key stroke analysis  

    This is a next level technique. Consider your password is “qwerty”, this technique sees how fast you click on keys, what is your hand moving pattern, so all this is taken into consideration the is used as a password. 

6. Ear scanning  

    Did you know the shape of your ears, the size of them is same only to you in the whole wide world, this is taken into advantage and used as a password, this is similar to our face recognition but an ear is used instead. Who know once the smart phone company starts using this technology, we can pick our calls by just placing our phone on the ears.  

These are the few technique used in high security areas in the world, we can wait and see how many of these technique will be implemented on the smart phones. 

Please do comment on which technique did you like the best. Please restream and follow if you just stumbled onto this account.