Recently, the subject of artificial intelligence and threats with which we will face ourselves are very often discussed in the media, when we will not stick to certain rules, both when creating or developing it, as well as applying it in various systems.
It turns out that this threat is perceived not only by well-known personalities from the world of technology and science: like Elon Musk, Bill Gates or Stephen Hawking, but more and more often people themselves are strongly involved in the creation of AI.
The last speaker was Demis Hassabis, the head of the leading British company AI DeepMind, which is owned by Google / Alphabet. Its engineers are the pioneers of the development of artificial intelligence systems. They created the bot AlphaGo, which recently easily defeated the best players in it (see here), what was loud all over the world.
Hassabis said at a meeting at University College London that he sees great potential in AI, because with her help we will be able to make groundbreaking scientific discoveries.
"Artificial intelligence is an amazing tool for accelerating scientific discoveries, I believe that it will be one of the most beneficial technologies developed by humanity in its history," said the head of DeepMind.
However, he also sees a lot of problems and threats in the field of its development. "There are many interesting and difficult philosophical questions, and soon we will have to answer the questions, how to control these systems, what values to instill in them, how we want to implement them and what we want to achieve," Demis Hassabis added.
The head of DeepMind, like other people associated with the world of cutting-edge technologies, is an advocate of appropriate AI-related regulations, and his team has always worked on ethical principles. However, he does not want regulations to block the progress of work on it.
In his speech at the British university, he also said that it would be up to people to determine whether artificial intelligence would be the pride of humanity or its curse.
"There is a risk associated with AI." All of this will depend on how we as a society decide to develop these technologies, and then we will see if it has brought good or bad results, "said the head of DeepMind.
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