Welcher Übersetzer ist besser? DeepL oder Google?

in #technology5 years ago


Das penetrante schrillen des Smartphones weckte Thomas Gentz. Verschlafen, und nicht begreifend, was ihn aus dem Schlaf weckte, hob er den Kopf und schaute sich um. Nach einigen Sekunden begriff er, dass es sein Smartphone war. Missmutig griff er nach dem Smartphone, nahm das Gespräch an, und hielt es an sein Ohr. Mit einem kratzigen, „Was?“, meldete es sich. „Schalten Sie Kanal 4 ein“, sagte eine Frauenstimme ungeduldig. Erst nach einer Sekunde erkannte er die Stimme seiner Chefin. „Warum, Maria?“, fragte er gelangweilt. „Tun Sie es“, antwortete Maria Gonzales wütend. Thomas war jetzt hellwach. Wenn seine Chefin wütend war, dann brannte es. Thomas griff nach der Fernbedienung und schaltete Kanal 4 ein. Er rieb sich den Schlaf aus den Augen, und schaute auf den Bildschirm. Er sah das Kapitol. Es brannte.


The penetrating shrillness of the smartphone woke Thomas Gentz. Overslept, and not realizing what woke him up, he raised his head and looked around. After a few seconds he realized that it was his smartphone. Disgruntled, he grabbed the smartphone, took the call and held it to his ear. With a scratchy, "What?", it answered. "Turn on Channel 4," said a woman's voice impatiently. It was only after a second that he recognized his boss' voice. "Why, Maria?", he asked bored. "Do it," replied Maria Gonzales furiously. Thomas was now wide awake. When his boss was angry, there was a fire. Thomas reached for the remote control and turned on Channel 4. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and looked at the screen. He saw the Capitol. It was on fire.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Google Übersetzer:

The penetrating shrill of the smartphone woke Thomas Gentz. Sleepy, and incomprehensible of what woke him from sleep, he raised his head and looked around. After a few seconds, he realized that it was his smartphone. He grumpily reached for the smartphone, took the call and held it to his ear. With a scratchy, "What?" It answered. "Turn on channel 4," said a woman's voice impatiently. Only after a second did he recognize his boss's voice. "Why, Maria?" He asked bored. "Do it," replied Maria Gonzales angrily. Thomas was wide awake now. When his boss was angry, it burned. Thomas reached for the remote control and switched on channel 4. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and looked at the screen. He saw the capitol. It burned.


Ich finde beide annähernd gleich gut.
In anderen Fällen fand ich DeepL klar besser, aber Google hat die größeren Resourcen. War klar, dass die auch besser werden.