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RE: Are our Mobile Phones really a blessing?

in #technology7 years ago

An interesting post and a good discussion should ensue from this as it’s a subject many are passionate about with thoughts coming From one extreme such as day not use mobile devices as big brother is tracking and watching everything to those at the other end who say if your not doing anything wrong does it really matter if they are tracking you or there is no way they can be monitoring everyone’s device

But what is the real answer is hard to know I think it’s somewhere in between you need to configure the settings on your phone to a level you are happy with


Yes that's correct for some it may not mean anything even if they are tracked, but I feel its all about your own space and privacy at the end of the day that's getting intruded. These are just somethings that I mentioned here but lately I notice a lot of these pop ups, I just find it very strange and unacceptable :-(, I never approve any ask from the apps, but there are times when you need to use them and without approving you cannot proceed ahead, so its like you do it or leave it completely :-(

Yes it is tough to decide and control sometimes, and its not always big brother I know of people who have the tracking feature turne don for their spouses phone sp they can track where they are 24/7, to me that shows there are much larger issues with the relationship but thats not for me to say but I would never do that myself

Google and other sites use your location, browsing history etc to know what to recommend for you in the adverts.

And really in all honesty no matter what setting you have on your phone it can be tracked to a degree, it really comes down to what your willing to accept is happening and then make an informed decision

I am pretty open in my settings myself, but thats just me

Ohhh yes, this is one other thing I got to know sometime back. Here in Oman the service provider gives this service of tracking your wife's phone, that's utter disgusting. Even my husband was given that option, he just slammed it :-)

Yes I think it is absolutly disgusting

Correct. If we are using phone with the internet then we are being tracked.The settings are only to satisfy us only to some extent.

Yes thats a good take on it for sure