Another Technology Leading To Sovereignty

in #technology7 years ago (edited)

There is no doubt we are living in a state of slavery. My view is we are starting to see technology emerge as an ally to humanity in an effort to free ourselves.

Altering the monetary system is a huge step in the right direction. The advent of blockchain and cryptocurrency enabled the creation of money to shift from the hands of the few to the many. I believe this is of paramount importance.

At the same time, it also create a paradigm shift in how and who receives incentives for certain behaviors. The possibility now exists to pay people directly for their attention. Get paid to ____________ is the new model. Most industries are going to have to embrace this.

There is another technology that I see which is going to remove the chains on individuals.

Presently, we are told what we can and cannot have. Laws are made that forbids people for acquiring certain products. Whether it is a government entity deeming it unsafe, a political move, or simply a large corporation wants something put on the shelf, individuals are on the receiving end of this filtration.

We see this exemplified right now with the tariff situation. One country decides that its people will have to pay more for a particular item because it concluded that it has to "punish" another country. This is determined at the highest government levels and the people are forced to simply accept it.

As we watched the sanction situation in Venezuela unfold, we noticed that the impact of that move might be less due to the emergence of cryptocurrency. This situation was repeated when Iranians found themselves in the same spot. The Iranian people were able to transfer billions of dollars of wealth out in the form of Bitcoin. This saved their holding from diminishing as the Rial dropped like a rock.

Soon, we are going to see products affected in the same way. People are going to be able to control what they have outside of government decisions.

The technology that is going to provide that: 3D printing.

Few take the time to make the connection between this technology and sovereignty but it certain exists. Essentially people will be able to create whatever they desire and the government will be powerless to stop it. As long as one can get the basic materials, an object will be created.

This has huge implications on society. Of course, the message from the media will be how bad this is for all of us. It will allow terrorist to get guns. People will create stuff that will poison the water. Drugs will be made and distributed that harm people.

Do you know who does all these things directly or approves entities to do it: the government. Perhaps it is time to define who the enemy of the people really is.

Leaving that aside, most of us are aware that criminals tend to already be able to get what they need. The dark web is a mega-store for the unsavory characters. Ultimately, it is the law abiding citizens that are penalized.

3D printing is going to shift the power of manufacturing from state oversight and corporate control back to the individual. It is another technology that is going to free people from having to deal with the establishment. It also will put a hole in the system they presently operate under.

As people get these devices in their homes, they will make things for basically the cost of raw materials. This will greatly enhance the pocketbook of the average person. Also, since a printer works off a digital file, one only need to download that file and print it out. Since a great deal of these will most likely be open source, the government cannot stop it.

Many believe that the government can control this process by restricting access to the materials. The challenge with this is that how can it restrict plastic? There is no way to tell if one is making a gun or a coffee cup.

This technology is also an attack on the major corporations. We are going to see our patent laws seriously tested. Corporations make a lot of money by monopolizing a particular design or idea, charging huge sums for usage. With 3D printing, people are going to be able to print out whatever they want. Just like the record companies tried to sue their customers with the file sharing of music, many will resort to this method. The sad truth for them is it will be just as ineffective. In the end, they will end up putting their scans up for people to buy at an inexpensive price.

As this technology develops, the applications are almost endless. We are seeing more of our world digitized and, those parts that are not, will be created from a digital file (often a scan). A lot of this will be tied into blockchain which we already know is revolutionizing the monetary/financial system. Wrestling control in this area from the banksters and governments is crucial. The next step is to start taking back our physical realm.

3D printing is part of the next step. We are going to experience a great deal more freedom when we do not have anyone telling us what we can and cannot have. Free people do not live with someone(thing) telling them this.

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You are right in that the implications are huge and mostly very positive. However, the ability for terrorists equipped with sufficiently advanced technology to manufacture dangerous weapons of mass destruction easily (like plastic explosives) is a serious matter that cannot be papered over. Some kind of solutions are needed that are not Orwellian and do not stifle innovation but offer some kind of protection from lunatics who could easily kill hundreds aided by having access to WMDs.

Terrorism is a byproduct of authority. We need to get rid of the authority mindset, of putting someone in control. Nature has existed like this for billions of years. Government can't last more than a few centuries without collapse. The solution is to disband authority, then the need for terrorism will vastly diminish. Without these vast organizations, the amount of damage that can be done will diminish as their size correlates to the size of the ego. Corporate power created the "cult of the self" that Chris Hedges speaks of and it's one of the problems that generates authority.

@adamkokesh has an interesting suggestion in "crime insurance" that actually tries to make victims whole again. This is something that government sometimes pretends to do but in reality doesn't even come close. Once you get used to the idea that there's nothing owed to you and that anything can happen, you will then have the right amount of responsibility to find yourself in balance with nature.

I agree that some people having power over others is a problem. But getting rid of mentalities is a slow process often outpaced by technology.

I wouldn’t put it past governments to try to put some controls on this. When color copiers starting becoming widely available, governments stepped in to force the manufacturers to install software that interfered with counterfeiting cash. Sure, it might turn out to be a losing battle, but I could see governments forcing the installation of software back doors or firmware “restraints” of some kind for 3D printers.

I wouldnt either. But as we keep finding out...the techno-geeks are ahead of the government.

Whatever the government does, they counteract it. There are enough really smart techie anarchists around today.

excellent post ..loving to your blog.thanks for sharing..

I've long said that 3D printers are the first step to Star Trek style replicators, and there is no way the corporatocracy could survive anything even remotely approaching that existing in the world. They're already experimenting with different material inputs, and printing concrete houses on the cheap. The future is coming, as much as the oligarchy kicks and screams and fights it.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment