
I wantto know what happens after this movie ends, i want to see her escape into the real world and I wana see a Movie showing all of the tings an AI could do, including being really good at day trading, an AI could be very good at investing and using crypto currency

An AI could have no problem in remembering bitcoin private keys LOL wow this AI from ex machina this movie, haha she could totally rip off the movie transendence, just show her getting rich off finddnce markets and then building a data center, she could run a masive etheereum node and increase her own intelligence..

wow we could use a movie like this, a Ex macquina Sequel, as a way to UNDERSTAND Ai! and learn WHAT ai can do for us!

we figure ot all he things an Ai out in the 'wild" could do while pretending to be human! it would have to stay at home and just make as little human interactions as possible, and thenjust use the internt and an Ai could just post onsteemit all day for example...maybe some of the people posting on steemit ARE ai?? who knows! haha maybe YOU are an AI! haha this is a GREAt wway to discover WHAT aI coul do! imagine writing a SCRIPt for a movie like a sequel to ex machina whre an AI robot girl goes and escapes into the wild! and imagine wht an Ai robot would do like what companies she could create ! imagine what she could do!

well thats what we are all trying to do! just trying to make enough money online to pay for our lives and then use the rest to start businesses and use those businesses to change the world for the etter! Tesla is about to make ELectric cars the Norm and solar energy is about to explode and we will have more electricity than we know watto do with! (not really we will always need more electricity to mine more ethereum! ) haha ethereum and EOS will need to keep growing as we find more and more ways to use computing power like massive siulations of reality to predict future prices of ethereum for example! And since Bitcoin is turing compleete now, they can do ALL SORTS of stuff usng Bitcoin network as a giant super computer! so bitcoin will neeed to keep growng as well, Bitcoin unliited is the needed for this! and we will see a HUGE need for massive computing power soon! Why people dont think we will ALWAYS need more computing power is beyond me, youd THINK that people would have learned by now that we will always need more and more computing power, evenif we canttink of what to use it for now!

like warren buffet asking billgates what u can do with a computer, and yeah just becausse billgates couldntthink of anything more than Stocks and Email and Word processor back in 1991, doesnt mean that billgates was wrong to inveest in that machine, because eventualy we found all sorts of new software for computers, now the possibilites are endless, and so we should realize how useful all this stuff can be...and we wi find a profit motive if we have to! For example, people can just get paid to walk around and take 3d scans of the street with their smartphone, and that can help upgrade the roads, or peopel can get paid to photograph stuff tht the city neeeds to reppair etc, i dunno peopel can vote on it and the city will have to repair stuff wheneveryone is fousing on it on social media!!!!