My girl friend like to get a lighted picture. I didn't want to buy these finished LED stripes and decided to build it myself. Therefore I use the integrated Arduino Leonardo chip inside the LattePanda. As power supply for the whole setting, I use a MeanWell, RS-150-5 (130W 5V 26A) switch mode power supply. The data port of the LED Strip is connected to pin 6 of the Arduino. The GND connection of the strip is connected with the ground port of the power supply and the Arduino. VCC is only connected with the power supply
With the app Blynk I can control the LEDs with my smartphone.
This is the result of bricolage.
My girl friend is happy to have this back light and I can run BOINC and my GRC wallet on the LattePanda for 24h.
:-) Looks like a little bit of overkill for the LattePanda.
I think you had to name it "GRC miner which could also blink" as 99% of resources is used for BOINC
Which panda model is this ? 32/64 ?
You are right. I used the LattePanda only for BOINC the time before. It is the 4 GB RAM and 64 GB ROM. I bought it two times over Kickstarter
Do you run windows there?
Yes I run Windows 64 bit.