World's First Real, Interactive 3D Holograms Are Here!

in #technology8 years ago

Holograms are a fascinating new technology - in science fiction movies, we often see holograms walking around, popping up from desks or emerging out of monitors, or being used when people talk to each other via video conversation.
In real life, Hologram technology hasn't progressed quite that far yet - but an Australian startup has just taken a big step forward.

Take a look at the first truly interactive, multi-user hologram table!

What's the problem with regular Holographic Technology?

Holograms are not totally new, but there are several technical difficulties that are quite the challenge for the developers.
The main problem is that holograms are a nothing more than stereo images generated by a computer, and if multiple people look at it from different perspective, the illusion breaks.

That's why current holograms can only be viewed by 1 person with a large helmet.

Computer-generated holograms tracking the viewer's gaze inside the helmet, which is why the technology wouldn't be possible with multiple people because the computer wouldn't know who to track.

For Virtual Reality, this problem has been solved by giving each user an individual helmet, so that multiple users can al see the same things in virtual reality space. But the problem is that these VR or AR helmets are very big and bulky, and you can't really interact with other people in real life anymore.

The Solution

Euclideon Holographics has come up with a Hologram table that generates truly interactive, multi-user holograms.
The users wear glasses that look similar to 3D glasses, and which are very light and compact compared to other virtual reality helmets.
Several different users can then look at the holograms on the table at once thanks to the built-in Unlimited Detail (UD) 3D graphics processing engine.

The Hologram table tracks the user's eye positions, and builds a custom stereo hologram image for him - and up to 7 other users.

The glasses are equipped with a special layer of crystal film, which can change the frequency of light waves. So the computer can tell which light wave belongs to which user, and is therefore able to generate images from different angles for different users. At the temples, the glasses have some built-in microcomputers and microchips which allow the Hologram table to track their position.
The table itself is a screen that consists of a projector which is sitting underneath a unique film, wedged between two pieces of glass.


Use cases for Hologram tables

The Hologram table can be beneficial for almost any type of business sector, but especially for anything that has to do with planning and management.

  • Architecture

Architects could use Holograms to create 3D models to understand complex structures or building concepts of the house. Also, they could use it to showcase different models of their work, and have the client easily understand his vision since there is actually something to look at and it's not just all imagination.

  • Large Asset Management

Industries that deal with assets on a large scale, for example power lines, railroads etc, could use these large 3D models to plan their work and explain their concepts to employees or customers.

  • Military & Response Planning

Holographic models can be used for any type of planning. The objects can be moved around in real-time and you can even create your own holographic presentations, which makes it a great tool for management and planning a course of action.

  • Display and Study of Artifacts / Objects

The Hologram Table could also be used for educational purposes, for example in universities or museums. My creating a holographic model of an artifact, it could be studied without risking damage, and shared globally without having to be transported around the world physically. The same goes for 3D models in biology or other applied sciences.

The Hologram Tables will be ready in 2018.

They will be shipped in Australia, with a price of roughly $47,500 (60,000 Australian Dollars).

What do you think about this kind of Holographic Technology? What would be additional use cases for the Hologram Table?

Images: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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© Sirwinchester


Its quite amazing what innovative minds can do....thanks for sharing

I agree with you @charles1. I just can't wait for the future ^^

Good point, I agree. Feel free to see my post on steemit and send in your thoughts

Glad you liked it! Yes you're right, technology is getting bigger and better by the day.

welcome , Schöne Wochenende.

Finally !!!
Future is here !
But you need tons of money =D

And a ton of imagination :D

technology is truly getting us closer to doing things that we thought only needed metaphysical powers. its amazing.

Exactly! What used to be science fiction is now actually becoming a reality.

Can you imagine what will be the technology after 20 years from now?? ? scary :D

And mere mortals like me would be able to touch the 3D render of my crypto coins and maybe hold hands with the 3D holograms of my virtual girl friend ;)Hey @sirwinchester Interesting posts. The 3d holograms would surely open up a world of possibilities . In medical field the students would be able to touch and see the internal organs in real time 3D doctors would no only see the scans but be able to see the internal organs any abnormalities and growths. Parents would be able to see the unborn fetus as 3D hologram and who knows maybe touch and feel it too!

Hahahaa ;)
But yes you're right, I also thought about medical students! or just education in general. the possibilities are nearly endless.

It's pretty incredible how fast technology is moving these days. Everything in the sci-fi movies 10-20 years ago is now happening

Exactly! And we're witnessing the shift right now! It's incredible.

Truly amazing! Thanks for sharing! What excites me is that there are so many applications for this in all sorts of fields!

I agree, holograms are really a fascinating technology!
Great content full of informations and thoughts ^_^

Thank you, appreciate it :)

I think soon we will live in virtual reality!

That would be insane! who knows what might happen!

Yes, this is better than previous solutions but this technology will be ready for mass use only without glasses :)

True. But I think we're quite far from achieving this technology without glasses yet.

agree, I'm waiting for this :)

Amazing, the holograms are very interesting.

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it!

technology is moving at a terrifying rate!!!

Maybe Terminator will be possible in year 2100 :)

If its not already here !:]

Wow technology is developing further and further really great , sucks however that the prices start of so high .

great post ! keep it up! and thanks again for following!

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it's interesting that back in the 70's a colleague I know wrote a thesis paper on the holographic storage of memories advocating this as a possible way the brain stores and recalls memories. He told me about this in the 90's and I was fascinated to think this was not a recently developed paradigm. We speculated 20 yrs ago that holographic technology would be used in entertainment and ultimately replace film

I want. Maybe I'll get one after Steem moons :-)

With all these rapid advancement in technology, i'm wondering that teleportation is just next door and can be real soon!

I think we will use it in 10 years as a kinda UI in our daily live.

I've long been a VR enthusiast, owning three different systems and having tested more. I've raved to friends and colleagues about the power of VR. But this table have turned my attention to hologram-technology. Impressive stuff!

Really looking forward to follow the developement of this technology in the months and years to come! Thanks for sharing! :)