Hey @lemouth! Totally get where you're coming from there. I can be a huge time-suck after a while. A good one, mostly. ;)
Sounds like a productivity heaven! Secluded from distractions just enough that you can get things done. I used to love taking the light rail while I was in college for that reason. (Except for the creepy people I'd encounter sometimes.)
Hope you're doing well!
I actually may be considered as a creepy person in the train, as I am often mumbling to the computer when I work... :D
I am always fine, thanks for asking! What about you?
I'm talking about creepy older men who tried hitting on the young-looking 18-year-old that I once was. Doesn't sound like you fall into that category. lol
Doing swell! :)
OOooooooh no thank you, I am not of this kind! :D