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RE: Flag anti-vaxxers. That disinformation actually harms people

in #technology7 years ago

Wooooo....NO, the science around vaccinations is not evolving. It is proven and prevents misery and death.
Yes I absolutely support forced vaccination! Because you have NO CONTROL over what viruses you catch or transmit. You become an easy vessel for spreading disease.

You are a walking danger to others, which laws are responsibly created for.


I feel sorry for you and anyone you unfortunately influence with your anti-science disinformation.
Here's your study debunked.
It's not hard. You have 0% of science supporting any of your positions.

And Steemit shouldnt be a home for disinformation.

We need another link to a study supporting your baseless quackery.
Lets do it again.

What you would really want to do is research the author of this piece, David Gorski, also known as Orac....See, your job is in the field of nursing, mine in the field of journalism. Research him, all of him and we'll talk again @scoobysnax

@sweecee You're a harmful moron. But Im willing to continue, because blocking your shots shows how baseless the crap is to people you might potentially influence.