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RE: How Robots Are Becoming More Like Humans

in #technology8 years ago

I totally respect your opinion.

But I think of it this way. Just like a robot is a collection of metal and mechanical pieces, we are collection of flesh and bones made up of non-living things (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen). It's the "software" that makes us alive. I don't know what that software is, maybe it's the soul or something else entirely. As for our consciousness, who knows if our brains are just super smart computers which are also working on a collection of algorithms, all created by a higher being.

My point is, if a collection of non-living elements can be given life AND consciousness, I think it should be possible to give these mechanical beings at least consciousness if not life. Not today, not tomorrow, but some day, in the distant future at least.

Just my opinion, like you have yours :)


as i said that we would make us God. We would defy all natural, universal laws and our "higher power" (your word, i am kinda atheist) if we are able to reach that level of evolution to give consciousness to a piece of metal, then we would be able to solve all physical, psychological pathologies and brain diseases.
as you said you dont know what it is what makes us human soul or "software" installed in us. As long as we don't know, how will we be able to make robots human alike? :)

That's something I agree to a 100% :)

We will be on a whole another level when we will be able to do that. We would be like God (your word, I am kinda atheist too). Hey I'm only kidding. :))) I make jokes all the time hehehe

just because i cant reply to the other comment. of course, we are simply discussing :) i was in your position a few years ago until I found that my philosophy professor was the leading scientist in Artificial Intelligence study project funded by European Union. I am talking about 2008, earlier than the studies that neurologists are doing now about artificial intelligence ;)

wow you must have got a lot of insight into the matter from him. That's really cool!

You mean your philosophy professor told you that machines can't be conscious, and you accepted that statement on the grounds of the authority of the European Union, with no further explanation?! Authority is not the same thing as a valid argument.

@blaha: no. I read books and asked valid questions. but yeah, assumption is the mother of all screw ups.
but yeah if I have to quote my professor "Human robots might not be possible, unless we solve all brain mysteries"