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RE: Elon Musk Is Taking Humanity To Mars In 2024!!!

in #technology7 years ago

I don't trust that man as far as I can throw him. Even though I don't like him, on a number of levels, he does seem to have some huge goals and there is no denying that he can sniff out results then make them happen. Thankfully it isn't a popularity contest ;) I have been watching the developments pretty regularly and I continue to cringe. He is so excited to get us off of Earth, which I appreciate. However, I have always wondered what could be done to fix here if we applied those brains of Silicon Valley. Very often it seems like this elite group of people are like super smart children who have a "Screw you, these are my toys" vibe. They are secretive until they no longer care. Much like the patents that were freely given for the Model S, it sounds too good to be true. This guy is not altruistic and I don't believe he is here to help. He chose a career and an education that had him following the money trail, not the humanity trail. Personally, I can't decide if it is because he is trying to do something for humanity or his ego. Even giving away the patent seemed to be a move that was done to smartly avoid oversight. This is a man that likes to be seen but not watched, which can be dangerous or helpful. Careful who you bet on, is all I am saying. In any case, the result is the same. Like you, I am watching the moves of this man and his companies with anticipation. Good post, thanks for getting my brain all fired up this morining.


Every person has their own opinion and that is OK.

Personally, I think he is doing the work of 5 people single handedly. And who cares if he earns tons of money doing it as far as humanity is benefitting from it. I mean autonomous electric cars, space exploration, making solar energy mainstream? Aren't those things that will push humanity into a new era and help us in unimaginable ways?