Years ago I made a recipe for natural deodorant. It took me ages... I researched all the ingredients and other brands a s recipes and devised my own, tweaking it to perfection. I researched how to blend essential oils and came up with a great scent. I wrote it all down in precise measurements and saved it in a Google doc. You can even find it on Hive.
I was going to say how easy it would have been to use AI instead but I don't think I would have internalized the things I learnt. I wouldn't have got so much enjoyment out of the process and satisfaction from the end result.
I use AI for all kinds of things, but remembering this experience, I'm not sure I'd want to use it for something I want to really learn about, or feel satisfied creating. Is it still a genuine creative process if I ask AI to come up with the recipe?
Saying that, I appreciate not everyone has the time. I'm just talking about my own experience.
I'll have to search for that deodorant recipe! I found a really good brandthat I like but, like everything else now, it's SO freaking expensive.
I'm sure coming up with it all on your own through trail and error would be infinitely more satisfying that having AI whip up the recipe!