I don't blame you. I don't even own a television right now. Mine broke, and I just never even cared about buying another one. I haven't even missed it, and I used to be a TV junkie. I know I look at the world in a totally different way now too. I no longer turn on whatever corporate news channel and just assume I'm getting the truth. They very much have a vested interest in telling you what they want you to believe. I'd better stop now before people start calling me a Conspiracy Theorist. lol
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And the personal time not having a set would free up; I'm almost looking forward to it! I've long given up any TV or radio broadcast news. Found myself feeling more and more lied to that I've withdrawn from it completely.
It's been liberating for me! :-)
Fortunately, there are a lot of "awakened" people in this community. Smart people tend to retain some fluidity in their perceptions. You are not "reaching" too far at all.
An ongoing tendency to accept, trust, consume, rely on and sustain the "services" of corporations, industries and governing authority can impact a persons life life for many years in ways not ever realized.
A day comes when beast stretches beyond it's expected boundary.
The "truth" changes when you have a stake in something that is threatened unjustly- something with immense personal value.
Wise words!