# What is technology?? Use of technology!

in #technology7 years ago

What is technology Use of technology!

At present we are all stuck in technology. Without technology we can not move. Our hard work has become easy due to technology.

We have drowned so much in technology that we can not move one step without technology. In each of our steps, technology is used. #Technology earth-3369518__340.jpg

Technology was earlier called

source #radio, vintage-1216720__340.jpg

source#telephone phone-499991__340.jpg

sourceand #white black television etc. vintage-tv-1116587__340.jpg

sourceBut technology has given us more benefits now. For example, #calculators were needed to #calculate earlier. calculator-385506__340.jpg

Halle was needed to solve more complex problems quickly and easily. And now we can do this with a mobile phone. Which is only possible due to technology. Just what ???

source #Mobile mobile-phone-2198770_960_720.png

We are now able to get information from people from one end of the world to another, with the help of this technology very easily.

If we did not have the technology then maybe we would never have reached the peak of such a development today.

sourceWe are now able to know from one country to another and the other discoveries of technology can be seen through #TV. luggage-2659021__340.jpg

Today we can easily earn money by sitting in the house with computers easily from the Internet, thousands of money. Also,

source #Internet human-3175027__340.jpg

we can earn money without going through the sunshine outside.

source #Money money-1428594__340.jpg

Today we can easily earn money by sitting in the house with computers easily from the Internet, thousands of money.

source #Computer technology-3361983__340.jpg

Also, we can earn money without going through the sunshine outside.