Latest tech hot news to think about a feasible future.

in #technology4 months ago

«Initial Thoughts»

Yep, sooner rather than later it will be increasingly difficult for us to determine and define what is true from what is not. What is authentic and what is not. In order to be accurately capable to find out the ultimate truth of what is and will be truly feasible in the future.

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Cranky Gandalf



It's already suspect for me. Interestingly, blackmail will no longer be quite as easy as posing a little girl on your lap. There'll have to be extensive documentation, eyewitnesses, DNA evidence, etc. Maybe that will be good for kids, keep them safer. We'll see.

Also, the fact that decentralization of the means of production is predictable to continue to develop and disperse across the population and defund overlords means it is they that are fucked, that hoards of gold and power will no longer be able to be parasitized from hordes of laborers and customers that all have to work jobs and buy things they can't make themselves. It's impossible to overestimate the consequences of AI managed independent production of any and every good that underlies the blessings of civilization, in your own home, on your schedule, without paying a cut to a lender, a middleman, the seller, anyone. Did you know 3D printers can print water out of thin air?

Take that, Nestle!

There's a list of advancing tech to contemplate. Consider how each of the topics of discussion there have heretofore only been thought about as products of centralized industry, and what will happen when they are undertaken from the perspective of individuals. What about the concatenation of CRISPR with vertical farming, aquaponics, and 3D printing? I can imagine people a couple generations from now baffled that anyone ever allowed anyone else to mandate they ingest some drugs, or forbade they ingest some others. They won't be able to imagine a world in which each and every household didn't themselves tend to their health and nutrition with constant 24/7 AI assistance, that monitors every leaf, every worm, every lumen and breeze, they personally own.

They'll think of our centralized slave society, necessarily doing obeisance to overlords for our very lives, like we think of cavemen chipping rocks for weapons to slaughter one another or maybe dinner. The ubiquity of printers to produce every substance in any form imaginable and spoken word instruction software to run it, a compendium of all human knowledge that is equally ubiquitous and costs almost nothing that is your personal possession, the possession of everyone you know, that cannot be censored, fucked with, filled with propaganda, or require leaps of service to attain to, and AI agents, not running the world, but running your coffee maker, maintaining your car, keeping your carpets clean. Life without such advances will be almost inconceivable. There won't be a state that runs interference in the background, maintains armies, taxes anything. There will be no means of tapping your personal production, no necessity to attain permission to secure your safety by any means you see fit, no possibility of preventing you from drilling for oil, processing uranium into fissionable material, or leaving Earth.

Folks will have interpersonal communications with anyone at anytime. State secrets will be impossible to maintain. Lies will be something barbaric, from the dustbin of history. Too many honest testimonies will be instantly available from your peers as to what really happened on the grassy knoll, or how many agents provocateur were present in the crowd on Jan 6th, to be able to push a false narrative about it. We will have a reason to share honest information with each other, and the factual evidence will all tell one tale, and anyone trying to lie about whether they met with someone, took money or orders from someone, any of that will simply be impossible given the identical imperative everyone will have to share the information they have about the actual events that occurred.

It's hard to imagine what the world will be like when development and distribution of personal production matures, but it's impossible to imagine that people choose to be slaves, lied to, and kept alive or tortured to death at the whim of evil masters. Nothing necessitates overunity, or perpetual motion, in my speculations, which are all based on known, demonstrable physics and engineering. This is why I always preferred hard sci fi to fantasy, because I wanted to consider what things really were going to happen, not what my mind would most prefer happened.

This potential concatenation of production technology will eventuate. These capacities are demonstrated and will advance apace. We are witnessing the death of mass media right this minute, as we write and read this screed. It has become impossible to lie to humanity anymore, to create a central narrative that is broadcast to everyone that fools them into tolerating gangsters, because too many witnesses are communicating what they know that disproves such lies. Politics, the fine art of lying to masses of people to steal from them, is becoming impossible, because every single pair of eyes in the world is becoming able to relay what they observed to every other person on Earth. The end of mass media is happening right now. The beginning of universal factual knowledge is beginning.

This will change everything.


Maybe that will be good. We'll see.

That's correct. At least I guess law enforcers will have a harder time to impose "their" laws arbitrarily.

Unless... unless they admit their flaws and go openly into tyrannical fashion. ;o)

Did you know 3D printers can print water out of thin air?

Nope, I didn't know that.

And yes, I find everything else you've said in your comment potentially feasible. But as I also hinted in my previous comment, we have to be aware that they will not make things easy for us to take a step forward and get things done without them trying first to avoid its feasibility by going openly into authoritarian and tyrannical fashion just to prevent us from breaking free from their current control, power and influence.

It's difficult to believe that the ability to bring these potentials to fruition isn't going to become existentially necessary to survival, because a global collapse of the economic system is being engineered, national polities across the world have been infiltrated by WEF trained traitors, and WWIII is breaking out from N. Africa to the Ukraine.

Folks that want to prosper should be adopting the means of production suitable to their personal circumstances, but pretty soon anyone that wants to survive at all may have to.