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RE: The Electric Car - Making Death And Taxes A Bit Less Inevitable!

in #technology7 years ago

I never lived in a parliamentary type of government otherwise you have a strong argument and basic points. A piece of paper will not mean they can drive safely but probably can give you the slightest idea if this person has a knowledge of driving or not. There is a written, eye test and actual test that tells you if the person is capable or not but it will not tell you if the person will drive erratically or what's going on their minds at the time of driving. And freedom is a right for everyone.
"May we think of freedom, not to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right."-Peter Marshall
I concur, nobody wants to live under a tyrannical type of system. Anyways, good educational exchanging for words. I am still hoping for that Tesla one day! 'til next time!