What will they think of next?
'lectericity" or something like that. Well, we went along with it and after a few days of being told that we now had "power" we figured we had better see what this is all about. I even made a video to commemorate the event. This is the first time that we have used 'lectericity down on our land. It looks like we are finally moving up in the world!If y'all ain't heard yet, my neighbor @jaguarlife talked us in to tryin' out this new thing called "
here's the proof:As always, I'm @papa-pepper and
Until next time…
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Welcome to the world of Lectricity friend :)
While you're discovering the future tech of the modern age, you wouldn't be in the market for a new wallet to store your magic money-cards, would you ? ;)
@armadilloman just got himself some leather stamps, and has started "mass producing" steem wallets !
Given the kind of projects you support, I thought this was right up your alley:
It's certaintly a good initiative to get people interested. I'd buy one without even knowing what Steem was XD
WOW! Big thanks for the heads up!
No problemo :)
Given the kinds of projects I've seen you show most enthusiasm for, I was sure you'd like @armadilloman's project ☺
Hey! I just got two in the mail!
Did you get one already? If not, the second one is yours for tipping me off!
Awesome !
You sure ?
I DO live in France, so shipping would probably cost a bit. I should be able to cover it with some SBD if you want :)
I'll send you a encrypted transfer with my address in any case ☺
I think @armadilloman was really happy you loved the wallet 😊
And thanks again !
You rock !
Can't seem to transfer anything from my phone, anywhere I could send the address to you ?
Otherwise I'll just leave a memo to myself to transfer it to you once I get on the Internet with my computer again.
Hahahaha, @papa-pepper the world is proving already. But electricity has been as far back as 100years..... Anyways good video and content. Thanks @peakreal1
Wait, you guys knew about it for that long and never told Papa?
Lol, papa but we met you here on world... So you know more better than us
Amazing discovery. Haven't heard that before lectericity. Thanks for bringing to the fore.
Hi, would you mind checking out my profile?
LOL - I may not have pronounced it correctly.... I'm still new at it!
Ohh. Really... Peace
That's good to hear. Lectricity as you called it is a nice idea. Watching the video shows how thoughtful you and your neighbour are. Congrats!!!
Sir, I'm a little confused here. What's your source of power supply if not electricity all this while?
or maybe the lectricity is different from the concept electricity I know.
Nice work done in the video.
I live next to my land right now and we have electricity where I live. As we continue to progress on our land, we are moving forward, so we just got the electricity hooked up and are finally using it.
@papa-pepper Must be a great feeling :D Steem on. Your friend @splendorhub
It is exciting!
electricity is the needs of all the people of the Earth. because technology advances all the equipment wear help electrical current. may the power be better again. indonesia's electricity is still a new items for the residents in the area
I love your post thanks for bringing new things here
Please what is this lectricity all about. I don't know if you can enlighten me
You should read "Henry and The Great Society" :)
Perhaps I should! Thanks @themyrrhmaid!
Wow that is great research. hope it can be implement in my country thanks for the infor papa-pepper
You've taken a step further in your neighborhood.
well-done!!!@Papa-pepper, congratulations!!!
Another step forward indeed!
great work keep it up. technology is nothing whats important is that you have a faith in people that they were basically good and smart and if you gives them tools they will do wonderful thing with them.technology makes the world a new place..
stay blessed and thanks for sharing...
You are welcome for your new discovery in the world. I hope both of you will successful by the "'lectericity" power.
God bless you sir@papa-pepper and neighbor @jaguarlife
wow very excellent stteemit post
whaoooo this is awesome encourage him more.
Nice post and the photographs are Amazing.....whenever I see your post I fall in love and these picture are superb
Photographs? This post was a video....
No, this post wasn't a bot either. It was a video!
Technically he's right though, videos are a lot of pictures. 😂
But that doesn't mean it's not a spam comment.
Hey, Wow, you are really moving with the times.
Fancy having 'lectricity down on the farm, you are definitely moving into the future.
Keep that small patch down the back clear for a future helicopter landing pad.
LOL - Right, the helipad!
Who knows what the little-peppers will get up to when they grow, look at their dad, he gets up to all sorts of stuff, and it is inherited down the male side.
lights need for all of us.
Waao that's kinda cool to using own electricity,well done @papa-pepper
It is! We are excited for the future!
Yes it's really interesting to see the results in future.
Wow that's a very big container, and am so surprised about the electricity power is really essential

What a lovely discovery , keep it up sir
great one post...
electricity will turn us into a world free from air pollution
we are looking for ways to reduce the use of oil and gas
meperbanyak use of own electricity
thank you for sharing this vidio
captivating & delightful!
That's nice @papa-pepper , so before your new house is built it will not be just a little lamp 😊, good luck on your new house can't wait to see your video about the construction.... ❤️❤️❤️🌶🎉
Reminds me of the early experiments of Thomas Edison!
Papa paper is top stemian.
Your poasting is always make me happy
Wow,awesome,I wonder how the world would look like without electricity,thanks to faraday
A new place and making it your own! Always an adventure! We left all and moved to the Philippines almost 4 years ago. It is a good thing my family did a lot of camping and my brother and I used to sleep under the stars, or this would not have been doable. We had about 3 months with no lectric. After that cold water never tasted so good. Well you make it all look like fun! I wish you and your family the best! God bless!
UK Power Networks offers a common set of rates for claims on the Low Voltage network, which are available directly from UK Power Networks at no cost or through your chosen Agent. For claims on assets of a higher voltage please contact UK Power Networks directly or via your chosen Agent.
However we must have electricity in the dwelling because it has become a necessity. I think you must have made it neat and nice in setting. thank you for sharing @papa-pepper.
this is post is veery good
That one you said you are waiting to dry, you did it yourself too?@papa-pepper, that storage room of yours is really packed! did you organize all of those yourself? you are really resourceful
And it's my first time to encounter "lectricity term hehe
❤️❤️❤️More power to you @papa-pepper
I cant live without the convenience of electricity.
old students using the new technology... i havent heard about it yet lol
This is very nice, innovation comes with happiness because there is always that joyful feelings inside for trying out something new.
Well, your name is just funny to me😁
Never heard of this before lectericity, learning new things everyday... Thank you for bringing this up @papa-pepper
Great to hear you got the lec trickery happening. Now, some of those new-fangled light bulbs will illuminate your life!
I love reading your post it makes me feel good.
That's some shockingvoltage has fried all the circuits up in my noggin so it's tough to keep up with the current affairs of technawlogy and lectericity. news @papa-pepper! My
Yaaaaaaay! Congratulations Papa. What other source were you using before?
I referred a friend of mine @senorcoconut to your page. He is moving out from New York to start homestead too. He should visit your page soon Papa. Thank you sir.
good post
Hey bud I thought you would be interested in this my Dad albeit me begging him for a while to make a post on quail and chicken egg incubation here it is.. more to follow, let me know what you think.
And yes you need electricity ;) hehe
Cool, I'll check it out.
Step by step, coming along. You have accomplished so much and the house will be a big step indeed.
Hey @papapepper Dustin and Phillip recently turned me back on to Steemit when I passed through your neck of the woods a few weeks back. I wanted to ask how you format your posts with the Bold fonts and centered text, as well as the different font sizes? I've been blogging about our interviews etc but I would like to format my posts better.
Use hashtags and then a space for bold.
One Hashtag followed by a space looks like this.
Two like this
Three like this
Four like this
TO center, put a "< center >" before you text (But take the spaces out)
And put a "</ center>" after your text (But take the space out.)
Give it a try in a reply here and see what you can do.
I really appreciate the explanation, this will come in handy as I develop my blog. It has been a long time since I have used a platform without in built font tools.
Now I can SHOUT my thoughts in text form! How exciting!
Glad that you figured it out! Be blessed!
And let there be light! It is amazing how we miss light when we don't have it. Nice storage system, @papa-pepper! When you have a large family, you tend to accumulate a lot of stuff.