I like how long you made this article. Even though it only takes a little over five minutes to read, I know that it is a difficult challenge for most people to make it through the entire post without letting their minds wander.
We live in an interesting world, don't we? Most people will easily scroll for hours through funny pictures or watch YouTube pranks, cringe-worthy videos, or top-tens without a second thought. But the moment people are asked to devote attention to something that's not mindless, passive viewing, it becomes a lot more difficult.
Truthfully, I don't like being on the computer much. I always feel like a zombie because there is so much that can become a distraction, and I get lost in that frequently (especially when I start trying to do something on the computer when I'm already too tired to focus). Although the internet has so much good to offer, it also highlights the negative in the world such as the ways people behave or think, the corruption that is essentially in every facet of life, and the misinformation about everything. It's easier for the human mind to hold onto a negative thought than a positive one.
If you have a minute, look up mean world syndrome. The particular term relates to how viewing television makes people view the world in a more negative light due to the increased exposure of violence. Well, the internet is basically television on steroids.
Being on the computer for an extended period of time creates the feeling of hopelessness and lack of purpose. While on the internet, we have to fight off the negative thoughts other people write and share. We have to avoid comparing ourselves with the really talented and successful people. We have to not let the details of any stories related to violence, and abuse, and finances, and our futures really sink in or we risk creating a "doomsday" mentality in our own heads. And the only way to avoid these things on the internet is to shut off that part of our brains that should care, which is not a good solution if you want to enjoy life. So many people are depressed, and I think the internet is fueling that.
Although the internet can be a good thing, just like all forms of technology it can be used against us. I think it's unfortunate that such a reliance on the internet has been imposed. For example, most jobs, housing agencies, government-run programs, and businesses use the internet in some form (at least in the U.S.). But we, humans, decide what to allow and accept. And majority rules.
Excellent comment @orcainutah and great post @kayclarity!
Thank you! :)
This is amazing comment. Thank you. I hope to come back to respond more fully, but wanted to just let you know how much I appreciated it right away.