Today's learning agenda:
A map to stay on course
I find setting a goal - for example what I am going to adventure into learning today about Linux filesystems - is like creating a map or plan. Creating a map or plan of where I want to head to today when it comes to something (like learning) already rules out many justifications and excuses that would come up inside my mind and prevent me from actually staying on course of what I wanted to do or achieve this day. Already creating a map, defining where I want to head to today and get to today on that map already helps with more likely staying on course and getting to that goal. The goal must be practically realistic though. And I must be aware that in our reality unexpected things can happen all the time which could cut in and through my map or plan I already created. But then it's okay. I breathe and take the unexpected moment from there, create a new map or plan tailored to the unexpected event having taken place.
When I start to do something, such as learning more about a technology or a painting process, and I don't have a defined goal or map of what exactly I want to get to, explore and achieve today in that subject area, then it's easier for frustration to settle in and a feeling of 'not really haven't gotten anywhere with this today'.
From mapping to productivity
Making that map or plan either inside our minds, or better on paper or a document on our computer, already helps greatly to end up more productive and actually having achieved something that day.
The map can be adjusted too
This is how I approach it since recently: I create a map/plan of defining where and what I want to get to today realistically and practically. And then I walk that map. If unexpected things and events happen that cut into my map or plan: I breathe and readjust my map or plan or create a new one to deal with the unexpected situation before I get back to my initial map, plan or goal. In other words, I direct me by deciding and mapping out where and what I want to be productive in in a day and where I would like to get to in an area today.
This more structured approach creates more stability in me in the busyness of everyday life, I find.