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RE: My Response to PoliticoMagazine's - Could a Robot Be President?

in #technology7 years ago (edited)

Having one single human in charge of a whole nation seems like an antiquated idea from a pre-technological era. Democracy and elected representatives made sense when the only way to communicate was to ride a horse and buggy across the country to the capital city to physically speak to other politicians

However now we still vote from a small pool of representatives to pick which best aligns with our nuanced and sophisticated beliefs. I think each person should be able to represent themselves.

An online system for voting on bills where each citizens vote is weighted based on their merit in this particular subject matter would be the modern approach to democracy


I still view democracy as a tyranny of the masses however. Each human is a representative unto themself and should not be beholden to the whims, desires, and values of even a majority of people.

There is nothing about a majority (the essence of democracy) that necessitates the moral and best choice is being made. Let each person decide for themself what is best and right for them and we will have prosperity, libery, and happiness.

I disagree with your first two sentences, human leadership was irreplaceable until very recently, perhaps only 10 years ago (I THINK longer, but I'm not sure the networks were robust and widely-distributed enough until the late '00's), and sociologically nearly the entire planet is incapable of recognizing how miserably corrupt human leadership inevitably becomes, regardless of the quality its inception.
A flat democracy would be practical today, but not actually rational. Your merit-weighted democracy is quite rational, but would probably trigger at least national, if not global, violence to try to implement, as every US citizen has been brainwashed from childhood into the idea that their innate rights (and I don't gainsay they are innate rights) translate directly into intelligence and competence to govern their own lives properly, and by extension, the rest of the world should follow in lockstep.

lol you don't follow "in lock step" the principles of American Freedom lol... they are FREE to follow in lockstep but they can use any dance routine they want...the point is we shouldn't tolerate authoritarianism or socialism

We need a bit congress Blockchain Voting but we still cant have direct democracy beecause bad ideas like shit socialism and communism spread through the mids of millions and just because tthe majority of a country wantsto be socialist oesnt mean the good people left shouldd ever allow it.....we should use biometric encryption blockchain voting system and should vote for representatives with it and use direct democracy for certain refferenums but we should not allow illegal aliens to vote in US elections and also I do believe that the world should listen to the US and we are never ever the worst option, we are always the best option, sorry but the USA sucks but the rest of the world sucks more.....and our system of modern democracy is now the dominant system and China needs to stop with their fake communist authoritarian party and respect the will of chinese people to sharethe power with political parties, the communist party ccan still win all teh electionsm but they cant arrrest opponents an shit no thats unnacceotable and the organ harvesting must also stop

we have to really look at the evil in ths world, and we MUSt realize that blockchainis the only way to stamp it out! blockchainBit Congress for all nations on Earth! And monarchies liek saudi arabia, if the people want to allow the monarchy to continue being in power they will vote for it! true leaders like Assad in Syria who are framed as dictators REMAIN in poer AFTER elections beayse the Syrianpeople LOVE him! same with Putin! Everyone inRussia LOVES putin because he is a REAL leader who has raised the GDP and wages of Russia many thousands of percentage points and those actions say more than anything! And no he doesnt "own" billions of dollars that money is for the state of russia! Gasprom is just a nationalized Oil company, get over it! I hate these anti Russia war mongerers who want to start world war 3 with Russia when China are the actual communists who go around killing Buddhists and Falon Gong practionrs! china has NO excuse for these AGGREVIOUS violations of human rights!

And anyway we need to begin looking at the world with Real Politik and counting Eviil as systems which lower peoples living standards, socialism and communism LOWERS living standards! Homeles people in the USA have free food and free healthcare, yes the emergency room is something ANY american even illegal mexican nationals illegal living in America still get to use withot fear of being deported FOr anyone living in other countries, can you IMAGINE living illegally in another country, then going to a hospital for free healthcare and NOT getting deported? Hah if an american tries to live illegaly in China lets say, and goes to a chinese hospital, the government will deport his ass so fast! we are SO fucking generous here in USA! And these illegal aliens from mexico and many other countries that I speak of, they are also accepting welfare, getting free housing, and then using a hospital all free and just imagine if an american was in Russia or Europe trying to illegally live there not speaking the native language, they would get deported so fast! NOW these people who say we MUST accept UNLIMITED illegal aliens and givethem walfare, these are the socialists on the left! the culural marxists!

we canot acccept this evil ideology! look at venezuela! TALK to venezuelans! many of them ARE NOT afraid of their SHIt government! they SPEAK out!

chinese should not be afraid to speak out against THEIR communist government but i guess its not as bad! an they have too much too loose, still sad....chinese get SO defensive when you call out their communism...they try to bring up the evils of america and ys i will be the firstto admit how bad our government had become but we are trying to fix things! we were occupied by globalist banksters! we still are! I guess i shouldnt be so hard on the chinese...i guess its not so bad what they do to the buddhists and falong gong...I mean, you only really need one kidney anyway! They should be grateful to the chinese communist party for having even 1 kidney! That Kidney livves at a much greater living standard thanks to the PRC! Yes I guess its ok to love the Chinese communist party! Yes Money makes everything ok! yes yes, I will ignore alll of that and just let china slide right @everittdmickey ?

The veneuela people are STRONg and THEY SPEAK out against this socialism which just RECENTLY took over venezuela! Hugo Chavez only started his HELL in venezuela in the last 17 years! Many venezuelans remember a time when BEFORE this hel BROUGHT ABOUT BY SOCIALISTS

I am sorry for getting so mad but am i wrong??
SOCIALISM KILLS people in venezuela and so its wrong to promote socialism! AM I WRONG?!?! LOOK AT #venezuela

and watch THIS to understand why you CANt have the government control shit with socialism

(and to @kevinwong I in no way am taking to ou or about you and i just now notcied your last name, i was just gooing off about politics, nothing to do with you , i apologize for my anger but theese issues make me mad and im not getting mad at you or anything, just making sure you know that! I upvoted, good post! i ae here to post that robot Ad I saw, for thee knightscope security robot gards, and i got sidetracked

No worries, I never get offended if anything lol. What's your definition of socialism by the way? As far as I know, money is a social construct. Which is why I think any social platforms (which includes government of any kind) are in some ways socialist, just in different degrees.

a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

I may be too loose with my perception, but isn't this quite like part of steem? - I guess it depends how we think about the protocol and its effects. I'm not very particular about labels though. In any case, programmable money means we can have all sorts of arrangements. Even futarchy type governance that ethereum seems to be going for is expected to be a neutral apparatus - it would then depend on data and market prediction to see what the system will turn out to be like, which could even end up as a minarchy. I dunno, whatever works, as long as nobody dies and criminalisation isn't a thing, the protocol that I voluntarily wanna be part of works well enough, and i have control over my stuff. I think most systems get a bad rep coz they're simply not technologised well enough to achieve them. Or perhaps the combination of government power and the people's inability to be multistakeholders, being confined in a draconian territory are just recipes for disaster.

great post!

99% of us can't control who or what goes into positions of power, as there will always be circles of concentrated power anyway. It's just a matter of what, when, where, and how. So maybe we can start asking - should a robot be president?

agree and to answer your question
should? hell no!
which person in his right mind would want to be ruled by a machine another person just invented
although.. many rumors are going on that a certain politician is a robot
damn .. shouldn't be watching news haha
i read it here though
rather watched I think

Who wants to be ruled? should be the first question ;)

It's funny that we want freedom, but we also want order. A majority of us just wants to follow, and for them it keeps life simple. There's a handful of us that can't stand order and the need for liberation constantly. We do want to be ruled, with rules, by the ruling. We should have a system of super computers that make perfect cognitive decisions. But nothing is perfect and it will truly and ultimately lack the human emotions. We need sympathy, we need to connect. A machine is too cold, to lifeless. We connect with that organic spark that a machine will never have.

Well said :)

submissives ..what?

surely not us
word .. indeed indeed