The machine would be powered by electricity, otherwise what would be the point and the machine would essentially suck in all the greenhouse gasses there are and pump out safe gases into the atmosphere or into storage containers ready for practical use. Similar to how plant photosynthesis works.
As you can see from the diagram above, the bad gases mean the greenhouse gases (Methane, Carbon Dioxide, Carbon Monoxide) and other various harmful gases will go in here and then they will be converted and released into good gas like Oxygen. Although I am no scientist, I think it's a viable plan to slowly eradicate greenhouse gases from this planet.
If we want to cover carbon dioxide into oxygen, we can put some plants in the container itself and see them convert it to oxygen, of course we have to control the level of input, because we cannot put all the carbon dioxide in the container, we need to see how much the planets can handle. We will also need to understand the optimal conditions to put them, such as how much water or sunlight they should be receiving and in what conditions are we to place the plants.
I think such a machine already exists.... they are called.. PLANTS!! ;)
Yes, but what if use the produced content such as oxygen on a planet like mars?
I think we can do this when we no longer have the sun.
In the mean time, while the sun is still greatly available (even at a certain time of the year for certain places), it is free and it is a great resource and useful for another present that has given to us from the very beginning - Trees.
If we can tackle corruption especially that causes deforestation and work with what we already have, nature, we could save half the cost of building machines that requires elements to dig up and destroy the earth more through mining for those minerals.
If China can do this, I know the rest of the world can too.
ps: Your profile pic looks awesome! That should be your footer too. heh heh...
Will change that to my footer soon hehe..
I think, we should just get one ready just in case. What my point is that we can do this to artificially reduce the ozone layer reduction and increasing the creation of oxygen for storage, where we might have a lot of need for that.
every idea concerning with money and we have to as how mutch this machine cost
Well yes money is an important aspect of Innovation and discovery and feasibility, however the problem is do we have the technology capable of building this?