HiveWP - Get More Buck for Your Hive Bang

in #technology3 months ago (edited)


It can be pretty unmotivating to see your efforts either not rewarded or rewarded with pennies here when the community is not active and the Hive price is in the toilet.

Screenshot by Dropbox Capture.png

Now, I agree, Hive is a long term play, but still it is nice to make some extra $, right?

That is where HiveWP comes in.

HiveWP is a free WordPress plugin that allows you to pull your most recently posted content from your Hive blog and inject it as a draft post in your WordPress website.

It converts your markdown formatted text into HTML, and also pulls in your images to your media library.

That means that once your article has been up on Hive for a couple of weeks, and no more rewards will be due, you can repurpose your valuable posts.

This is even more important if you tend to write evergreen content, rather than breaking news of bitcoin price changes!

For example, I write about tech topics, dungeons and dragons, 3d printing, and python coding examples, which are actually more valuable to people off the blockchain than people on it. Those articles and tutorials deserve to live on in a place where people can see them, plus I make more money from those readers than I ever have here.

If people find this plugin useful I will continue to develop and share it, and might add more features, so I would love to know what you think.

Bad idea? Tell me that too!


I have several blogs and write about varying topics. Is it possible to use tags or categories to segment the topics to specific blogs?

For example, when I write about National Podcast Post Month in November, could I use the hashtag #NaPodPoMo to indicate to HiveWP that a particular post should go to Then when I write about the #WalkTalkChallenge, it would go to, etc?

Yes, my various blogs all pull in content based on topic, and you can also pull content from Hive communities instead :)

Screenshot by Dropbox Capture.png

In this example I exclude based on tags instead

This is just great!

I'm about to build my own website(s) once again, and have been looking for solutions like this. Normally I prefer to work on Drupal or things like Grav, but a comprehensive WP module is just fine :-)

Will test it out the next weeks! Might be able to at least follow the repo in the future, depends on what solution I end up with...

Can I ask a really ignorant and stupid question? !LOL

There are no stupid questions! The only stupid question is the one you keep to yourself :)

So... you post on Hive and then some time AFTER your post payout date you use that WP plugin to post it on a WP blog right?

How does one make money out of that?

In general the easiest to set up but the hardest to make money from is Google adsense and other advertising. Easy to set up because they give you straightforward instructions, but you need a lot of traffic to make money.

That said, on one small site I got 4,000 visitors per month and made $15/mo up to more than $65/mo which is more than I make here per month, and it grows over time because you are adding content rather than earning once for each new article.

Most other options require building an email list which means being able to create forms and embed them, which we can't do here. Also here we use "following feeds" which is not quite the same (easy to miss new stuff when you follow a bunch of people).

Personally, on my blogs I use affiliate sales commissions, my own products (courses, ebooks, etc) and services. Just being able to have your own domain name makes you look more legitimate and trustworthy, in addition to being able to make some areas for members only.

How much does that cost to set up?

It can cost $0 and when you get going you can move to paying/investing in it

Alright. Where do you suggest I start if I wanted to get started at a $0 start-up?

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Because Donald ducked!

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This is a great idea and i totally understand your sentiment. Is there nothing that can be done to build on hive and create more value on hive and grow communities here on hive instead of going back to Web 2

I totally understand the sentiment, but many will have a need to pull, store and share their content outside of Hive as well. This also will motivate people like me who are looking for an automatic or semi automatic solution where Hive (or similar) is the point of origin, rather than the other way around :-)

Also having full control of your own content on your own server is more like web 1.0, all depending on the user of course (backups ++)

In short: I think this is a perfect match between the fully decentralized & the opposite, old style!

That's fine if it helps those in a similar situation as you. No worries. My comment was more focused on the part he talked about making pennies and community not active

I don't think the Hive community wants a situation where rewards windows extend past a week, or introduction of advertising, so I am not sure what can be done on Hive itself.

hmm this is something ialways wondered as well but never understood why it's only stuck after a week? Is it just cuz it would be too many transactions to keep track of in terms of payout?

Not sure, I always thought it was to stop Hive farming? @themarkymark will know

Nah they can downvote. There's hard-core people watching abuse doubt they'd let that slip.